In this study,the optimization of mechanical and damping capacities of Mg-0.6 wt.%Zr alloys by controlling the recrystallized(DRXed)grain size under varying extrusion processing parameters including extrusion temperature T and strain rate was investigated.The relationship between the DRXed grain size and damping properties of the studied alloy was also discussed.The DRXed grain size of the as-extruded Mg-Zr alloys decreased as the extrusion temperature T decreased and the strain rateεincreased.As the DRXed grain size decreased,the strength and elongation of the as-extruded alloys exhibited improved performance through the grain refinement mechanism,while the damping properties deteriorated.The extrusion temperature of the Mg-Zr alloy had relatively greater effects on the mechanical and damping properties than the strain rate.The results of the present work indicate that alloys with appropriate mechanical and damping properties may be obtained from controlling the DRXed grain size by careful tailoring of the extrusion process parameters.
Jingfeng WangZhongshan WuShan GaoRuopeng LuDezhao QinWenxiang YangFusheng Pan
The micro-alloying effects of Y on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and bio-corrosion behavior of Mg69-xZn27Ca4Yx(x= 0, 1, 2 at.%) alloys were investigated through X-ray diffraction, compressive tests,electrochemical treatments, and immersion tests. The Mg69Zn27Ca4 alloy was found to be absolutely amorphous, and its glass-forming ability decreased with the addition of Y. The Mg68Zn27Ca4Y1 alloy exhibited an ultrahigh compressive strength above 1010 MPa as well as high capacity for plastic strain above 3.1%.Electrochemical and immersion tests revealed that these Y-doped MgeZ neC a alloys had good bio-corrosion resistance in simulated body fluid(SBF) at 37℃. The results of the cytotoxicity test showed high cell viabilities for these alloys, which means good bio-compatibility.
Jingfeng WangYang LiSong HuangYiyun WeiXingfeng XiKaiyong CaiFusheng Pan
This study analyzes the effect of substitution of Ni for Zn on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Mn alloy.Our results show that the volume fraction of Mg5(Gd,Y)and(Mg,Zn)3RE phase decreased and LPSO phase increased with more substitution of Ni.After homogenization,onlyα-Mg and LPSO phase existed.In Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Mn alloys,the LPSO phases mainly consisted of the 14H type.While in Mg-Gd-Y-Ni-Mn alloy,the LPSO phases consisted of the 18R type.In addition,compared with Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Mn alloy,the mechanical properties of as-extruded Ni-substitution alloys were improved due to the better refinement of the size of grains and LPSO phases.The tensile strength in as-extruded Mg-Gd-Y-Ni-Mn alloy could reach up to 400 MPa with 18%of the elongation to failure.
Rongqing ZhangJingfeng WangSong HuangShijie LiuFusheng Pan
Microstructure evolution and damping capacities of Mg–Ce binary alloys with three different Ce contents(0.5, 1, or 2 wt%) have been systematically investigated in this work. Numerous fine parallel second phases in Mg–2Ce alloy are obtained, as well as a large number of dislocations around them, but few dislocations appear around the reticular second phase in the Mg–1Ce alloy. Among the three alloys, two internal friction peaks(P;and P;) are detected at about 78 and 167?C in both the Mg–0.5Ce and Mg–1Ce alloys.In addition, the alloy with special parallel second phase structure exhibits excellent damping capacity in both strain amplitude and temperature-dependent regions. These results may be ascribed to the stress concentration and the formation of abundant parallel and uniform dislocation configurations in the ?-Mg matrix without the influence of crystal orientation. The obtained results may provide a novel idea to prepare high-damping magnesium alloys by tailoring their microstructure.
Zhongshan WuJingfeng WangHaibo WangShe MaSong HuangShun LiFusheng Pan