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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
The Common Principal Component Analyses of Multi-RCMs
Based on a 10-year simulation of six Regional Climate Models(RCMs) in phase II of the Regional Climate Model Inter-Comparison Project(RMIP) for Asia,the multivariate statistical method of common principal components(CPCs) is used to analyze and compare the spatiotemporal characteristics of temperature and precipitation simulated by multi-RCMs over China,including the mean climate states and their seasonal transition,the spatial distribution of interannual variability,and the interannual variation.CPC is an effective statistical tool for analyzing the results of different models.Compared with traditional statistical methods,CPC analyses provide a more complete statistical picture for observation and simulation results.The results of CPC analyses show that the climatological means and the characteristics of seasonal transition over China can be accurately simulated by RCMs.However,large biases exist in the interannual variation in certain years or for individual models.
FENG Jin-MingWANG Yong-LiFU Cong-Bin
Influencing factors and significance of organic and inorganic nitrogen isotopic compositions in lacustrine sedimentary rocks被引量:1
Comprehensive nitrogen biogeochemical cycle has been reconstructed for representative lacustrine organic-rich sedimentary rock in China,namely the Triassic Yanchang Formation(YF,199–230 Ma)in Ordos and the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation(QF,86–92 Ma)in Songliao basins,by evaluating the organic and inorganic nitrogen isotopic compositions rather than only organic or bulk nitrogen isotopic compositions.The results indicate that the nitrogen isotope values of bulk rock(δ^(15)N_(bulk))in the non-metamorphic stage are significantly different from that of kerogen,which challenge the conceptual framework of sedimentary nitrogen isotope interpretation.Theδ^(15)N_(bulk)from the YF and QF were lower than their respective the nitrogen isotope values of kerogen(δ^(15)N_(ker)),with offsets up to5.1‰,which have the inverse relationship for the metamorphosed rock.Thermal evolution did not significantly modify the d15N of bulk rock and kerogen.The d15N of sediments from the YF(δ^(15)N_(bulk),1.6‰–5.6‰)were lower than that of rock from the QF(δ^(15)N_(bulk),10.2‰–15.3‰).The nitrogen isotope values of silicate incorporated nitrogen(δ^(15)N_(sil))were slightly lower than those of the d15Nker in the YF and obviously lower for the QF.The fact that different nitrogen cycles occur in the YF and QF due to the different depositional redox conditions leads to different isotopic results.The YF water environment dominated by oxic conditions is not conducive to the occurrence of denitrification and anammox,and no abundant N2 loss leads to the relatively lightδ^(15)N_(bulk).In the stratified water for the QF,redox transition zone promotes denitrification and anammox,resulting in the heavyδ^(15)N_(bulk)of rock and promotes the DNRA,resulting in heavyδ^(15)N_(ker)and lowδ^(15)N_(sil).
Juan ChenJianfa ChenLipeng YaoQingyong LuoShengbao ShiJianping ChenLei ZhuZeya Chen
Five loci, ITS, LSU, tef1-α, TUB nuDNA and RPB2, are used for analysing 61 venturialean taxa representing two ...
Ying ZhangMin Shen
Pulmonary endarterectomy for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: preliminary exploration in China被引量:5
Background Pulmonary endarterectomy is safe and effective surgical treatment for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of pulmonary endarterectomy in treatment of thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Methods A retrospective study of 15 patients who underwent pulmonary endarterectomy in Beijing Chaoyang Hospital was performed. Obvious pulmonary hypertension and hypoxemia were observed in all patients. Bilateral pulmonary endarterectomy was performed under cardiopulmonary bypass with profound hypothermic circulatory arrest. Results Two patients (2/15) died of residual postoperative pulmonary hypertension and bleeding complication. The other 13 cases had significant decrease in systolic pulmonary artery pressure ((92.8+_27.4) mmHg vs. (49.3+18.6) mmHg) and pulmonary vascular resistance ((938.7±464.1) dynes.s.cm5 vs. (316.8±153.3) dynes's.cm5), great improvement in cardiac index ((2.31:LK).69) L.min-l.m2 vs. (3.85±1.21) L.min-l.m2), arterial oxygen saturation (0.67±O.11 vs. 0.96±0.22) and mixed venous 02 saturation (0.52±0.12 vs. 0.74±0.16) postoperatively compared to preoperative data. Mid-term follow-up showed that the cardiac function of all cases returned to NYHA class I or II, with great improvement in 6-minute walking distance ((138±36) m) and quality of life. Conclusions Bilateral pulmonary endarterectomy using cardiopulmonary bypass with the aid of deep hypothermia and circulatory arrest can effectively reduce pulmonary hypertension and provide good mid-term hemodynamic and symptomatic results with low surgical mortality rate and few complications.
GU SongLIU YanSU Pi-xiongZHAI Zhen-guoYANG Yuan-huaWANG Chen
DFT-Spread Combined with PTS Method to Reduce the PAPR in VLC-OFDM System
The high peak to average power ratio(PAPR) was one of the main factors affecting the performance in visible li...
Zeng FulaiLiu LuokunYang Jinjin
前列腺素E2(prostaglandin E2,PGE2)是一种脂质介质,通过与4种G蛋白耦联受体(EPl、EP2、EP3、EP4)作用,参与多种生理和病理生理过程。越来越多的证据表明,PGE2通过多种机制参与肾脏水转运的调节以维持机体水稳态。水稳态主要依赖精氨酸血管加压素(arginine vasopressin,AVP)对水通道蛋白-2(aquaporin-2,AQP2)在肾脏集合管上皮细胞的表达和膜转位的调节来维持。近年来,局部调控因素如PGE2在肾脏集合管水重吸收调节中的作用受到了广泛关注。本文综述了PGE2在肾脏集合管水重吸收调节中的作用,并讨论了其合成通路限速酶和各种EP受体在其中的不同作用机制,为尿崩症、水肿等临床体液紊乱疾病的治疗提供新的策略。
^(68)Ga-PSMA ligand PET/CT integrating indocyanine green-guided salvage lymph node dissection for lymph node metastasis after radical prostatectomy被引量:3
To efficiently remove all recurrent lymph nodes(rLNs)and minimize complications,we developed a combination approach that consisted of ^(68)Gallium prostate-specific membrane antigen(PSMA)ligand positron emission tomography(PET)/computed tomography(CT)and integrated indocyanine green(ICG)-guided salvage lymph node dissection(sLND)for rLNs after radical prostatectomy(RP).Nineteen patients were enrolled to receive such treatment.^(68)Ga-PSMA ligand PET/CT was used to identify rLNs,and 5 mg of ICG was injected into the space between the rectum and bladder before surgery.Fluorescent laparoscopy was used to perform sLND.While extensive LN dissection was performed at level I,another 5 mg of ICG was injected via the intravenous route to intensify the fluorescent signal,and laparoscopy was introduced to intensively target stained LNs along levels I and II,specifically around suspicious LNs,with ^(68)Ga-PSMA ligand PET/CT.Next,both lateral peritonea were exposed longitudinally to facilitate the removal of fluorescently stained LNs at levels III and IV.In total,pathological analysis confirmed that 42 nodes were rLNs.Among 145 positive LNs stained with ICG,24 suspicious LNs identified with ^(68)Ga-PSMA ligand PET/CT were included.The sensitivity and specificity of ^(68)Ga-PSMA ligand PET/CT for detecting rLNs were 42.9%and 96.6%,respectively.For ICG,the sensitivity was 92.8%and the specificity was 39.1%.At a median follow-up of 15(interquartile range[IQR]:6–31)months,15 patients experienced complete biochemical remission(BR,prostate-specific antigen[PSA]<0.2 ng ml−1),and 4 patients had a decline in the PSA level,but it remained>0.2 ng ml−1.Therefore,^(68)Ga-PSMA ligand PET/CT integrating ICG-guided sLND provides efficient sLND with few complications for patients with rLNs after RP.
Teng-Cheng LiYu WangChu-Tian XiaoMing-Zhao LiXiao-Peng LiuWen-Tao HuangLiao-Yuan LiKe LiJin-Ming DiXing-Qiao WenXin Gao
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene transfection promotes neuronal repair and neurite regeneration after diffuse axonal injury被引量:1
This study sought to assess the potential of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to promote neuronal repair and regeneration in rats with diffuse axonal injury, and to examine the accompanying neurobiological changes. BDNF gene transfection reduced the severity of the pathological changes associated with diffuse axonal injury in cortical neurons of the frontal lobe and increased neurofilament protein expression. These findings demonstrate that BDNF can effectively promote neuronal repair and neurite regeneration after diffuse axonal injury.
Yin YuXingli ZhaoJiajia ShaoQiang ShenTao JiangWei WUDong ZhuYu TianYongchuan Gu
Study on Micro WEDM Using Electrostatic Induction Feeding Method
<正>In this research,the electrostatic induction feeding method was applied to WEDM.Since the method is able to...
Xiaodong Yang~*
Seasonal Prediction Assessment of the South Asian Summer Monsoon: ENSEMBLES versus DEMETER
The seasonal forecasting skill with respect to the South Asian summer monsoon(SASM) was compared between the European Commission FP7 project(ENSEMBLES) and the Development of a European Multimodel Ensemble System for Seasonal to Interannual Prediction project(DEMETER). The Webster-Yang index(WYI) was chosen to represent the intensity of the SASM. First, the authors compared the ability to forecast the zonal wind at 850 h Pa(U850) and 200 h Pa(U200) between ENSEMBLES and DEMETER models. The results indicated that the models from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, International Organization(ECMWF) and UK Met Office(UKMO) in ENSEMBLES possess greater skill in seasonally forecasting the JJA(June, July, and August) U850, U200, and U850 minus U200 than in DEMETER. Compared to in DEMETER, the JJA U200 and U850 minus U200 forecasting skill was greater for the model from MétéoFrance(MF) in ENSEMBLES over most of the SASM region. The three coupled models(ECMWF, MF, and UKMO), especially the UKMO model in ENSEMBLES, all demonstrated improved skill in their seasonal forecasts compared to in DEMETER with respect to the interannual variability of the SASM. The three ENSEMBLES models also showed better ability in forecasting the sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTAs) over the eastern equatorial Pacific and North Indian Ocean, and more accurately reproduced the large-scale atmospheric circulation and precipitation over northern India, which are related to the SASM. It seems that the couple between the atmospheric system and external forcing of ENSMBLES over Indian Ocean and Pacific is better than that of DEMETER.
TIAN Bao-QiangFAN Ke