We present a method to represent multi-resolution vector graphics such as road networks or railway networks in virtual environment. These vector data can be interactively edited and the landscape and be explored in real time at any altitude from flight view to car view. We design a context-focused vector description of linear can areal features, with associated customized definition painter to specify their appearance (color and material) and their display mode (detailed mode or simplified mode). There are some special problems in drawing vector graphics in virtual environment. Floating-point round-off error appear when we use a low view point to observe the scene, and it leads to scene jittering. Drawing 3D wide lines turns into a problem on 3D terrain. We design a view-based self-adaptive interpolation algorithm and an offset line generating algorithm to solve it. Our results show high performance with good visual quality.
In virtual simulation application, it is often necessary to use Open GL to render large-scale 3D static scenes including urban architectures. Each scene unit generally has individual vertex data and texture. For large-scale data set, it is hard to render all scene units simultaneously. We need to render part of the scene separately, which is called the scene partition and culling. In general, we partition the whole scene into different units on the CPU. We present a scheme that optimize the GPU rendering pipeline to cull the large-scale static scene, which will reduce the CPU suspending time and take full advantage of GPU computing advantages to speed up the rendering efficiency.