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作品数:4 被引量:4H指数:1


  • 4篇中文期刊文章


  • 3篇理学
  • 1篇化学工程


  • 2篇均聚
  • 2篇均聚物
  • 2篇非平衡统计
  • 2篇非平衡统计理...
  • 2篇SCO
  • 2篇DYNAMI...
  • 2篇ENTANG...
  • 2篇玻璃化转变
  • 1篇动力学理论
  • 1篇统计热力学
  • 1篇热力学
  • 1篇聚合物网络
  • 1篇SET
  • 1篇COR
  • 1篇EQUATI...
  • 1篇ING
  • 1篇ULTIMA...


  • 2篇北京化工大学


  • 2篇陈建全
  • 2篇宋名实


  • 2篇中国科学(A...
  • 2篇Journa...


  • 2篇2006
  • 2篇1999
4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
提出了非晶态和半晶态均聚物的网络结构模型 ,认为高聚物是由玻璃化微区 高分子链组网、微晶 高分子链组网、交联 高分子链组网络和缠结链组网络构成 .以链组作为形变和统计单元 ,用统计力学和动力学相结合的方法计算出 4种网络的链组数、链组末端距的几率分布函数 ,建立了均聚物玻璃化转变的统计动力学理论 ,得到了等温和非等温玻璃化动力学方程及其DSC曲线的理论表征式 ;计算出了 4种网络玻璃化转变粘弹性形变自由能和微区的玻璃化自由能以及均聚物网络玻璃化转变的总自由能 ;求得了均聚物玻璃化转变的静态模量、记忆函数、松弛谱和动态力学性能 (动态粘度、动态模量和损耗角正切 )等表征式 .
Dynamics of Polymeric Fluids:Part Ⅱ The Molecular Theory of Die Swell: Correlation of Ultimate Die Swelling Effect to the Molecular Parameters and the Operational Variables被引量:1
A general expression for the correlation of the simple shear (tanφ) to the molecular parameters and the shear rate (·↑γ) was deduced. It shows that the simple shear (tanφ) may be resolved into free recoil (recoverable strain) and viscous heating (unrecoverable strain). The magnitudes of the simple shears for recoil (tanφE) and (tanφv) for viscous heating not only depended on the molecular parameters and the operational variables, but also on the exponential fractions of the recoverable (1--↑W·↑γ) and unrecoverable (-↑W·↑γ) conformations for recoil and viscous heating. Therefore the magnitudes of the simple shears (tanφE) for recoil and (tanφv) for viscous heating are, respectively, expressed as the partition function to the (1--↑W·↑γ)th power and the partition function to the (-↑W·↑γ)th power. Thus correlations of the total recoil and the ultimately recoverable strains to the molecular parameters [n′, α, η0, GN^0 and (1--↑W·↑γ)] and the operational variables (·↑γ, (L/D) and tr) were deduced respectively, which show that at very different shear rates (0≤·↑γ≤∞) the polymeric liquids may exhibit a very different viscoelastic behaviors. After introducing the uniform two-dimensional extension, the definition of swelling ratio and the ratio of L to D [De=(L/D)], two expressions for the ultimate die swelling effect and the ultimate extrudate swelling ratio BEVT5 to the molecular parameters [n′, α, η0, GN^0 and (1--↑W·↑γ)] and the operational variables (·↑γ, (L/D) and tr) were obtained. The two correlation expressions were verified by the experimental data of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) which shows that the two correlation expressions can be used to predict the correlations of the ultimate extrudate swelling behaviors of polymeric liquids to the molecular parameters and the operational variables.
Mingshi SONG Qiang XU Guixian HU Sizhu WU
Dynamics of Polymeric Fluids 1. The Molecular Theory of Die Swell:A Set of Equation on Swelling Ratio in Extrudates被引量:1
The structural model of the multiple-transient networks and the mechanism of the multiple-reptation entangled chains due to the dynamic reorganization in the entangled sites were extensively applied on the die swell of polymeric liquids in the steady simple shear flow. The total (recoverable and unrecoverable) viscoelastic free energy of deformation and flow, the constitutive equation and the expression of the simple shear (tanψ) were deduced from the conformational probability distribution function of the entangled polymer chains. It found that: (1) the magnitudes of simple shear (tanψ) depended not only on the free recoil (or recoverable strain) but also on the viscous heating (or unrecoverable strain); (2) the total recoil may be resolved into the instantaneous and delayed recoil. Based on these facts, the functions of the partition and two experiential fractions of the recoverable (1-Wγ) and the unrecoverable (Wγ) conformations for the recoil and viscous heating of polymeric liquids were defined correspondingly. Then the correlation of the instantaneously and ultimately (or total) recoverable strains to the (N1/T12)w and the fraction of trans-form conformation was obtained. After introducing the condition of uniform two-dimensional extension (αx=αy=α, αz=α^-2) and the swell ratio (B=α), two sets of equations on the instantaneous and ultimate swelling ratios (BE, BEVT) were obtained, and a method to determine the fraction of the recoverable transform conformation were proposed, The equations of BE and BE5 were verified by the experimental data of HDPE (high denisity polyethylene) at two different high temperatures. It shows that the molecular theory of die swell can be used to predict the correlation of the swelling to the (NI/TI2)w and the fraction of trans-form conformation.
Mingshi SONG Guixian HU Zhihong YANG Qiang xu Sizhu WU
基于均聚物玻璃化转变的统计动力学理论 ,发展了均聚物玻璃化转变的统计热力学理论 ,把Tg 同其多种影响因素联系起来 ,分别得到了均聚物玻璃化转变的静自由能和Tg 的定量表征式 ;同时也得到了Tg 与高聚物的结构因素、压力和成型条件的定量关系式 ,并用实验数据对理论定量关系式进行了验证 .