How the initial fluctuation affects on the elliptic flow is investigated by investigating the rapidity, transverse 4-velocity, centrality dependencies of elliptic flow for Au+Au at 1 GeV/A with the help of an Isospin Quantum Molecular Dynamics (IQMD). In addition, we compare the flow calculated with respect to participant plane created by the initial geometry in coordinate space with the flow reconstructed by the experimental event-plane method, and compare the flow with the experimental data of the FOPI collaboration. It shows that there exists some discrepancy between the flows reconstructed by the above two methods.
WANG JiaMA YugangZHANG GuoqiangFANG DeqingHAN LixinSHEN Wenqing
Isospin-dependent Quantum Molecular Dynamics model (IQMD) has been applied to investigate the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR) and Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) in Ni isotopes by Coulomb excitation. By Gaussian fitting to the photon emission spectra, the peak energies and strengths of PDR and GDR are extracted. Their sensitivities to impact parameter, incident energy and the symmetry energy are discussed. By the comparison of energy-weighted sum rule (EWSR) with the data and other calculations for 68 Ni, the parameters of density-dependence of symmetry energy in the IQMD are constrained. In addition, the N/Z dependence of PDR and GDR parameters of Ni isotopes are investigated, and the results that the EWSR increases linearly with the N/Z are obtained.
TAO ChengMA YugangZHANG GuoqiangCAO XiguangFANG DeqingWANG Hongwei
在相对论重离子碰撞中,整体喷注作为研究解禁闭的夸克胶子等离子体的重要探针近年来已被广泛研究。本工作基于多相输运模型(A Multi-Phase Transport model,AMPT),研究了在质心系能量为2.76 TeV的铅核-铅核碰撞中的双喷注不对称、喷注的碎裂函数和喷注形状三方面的内容。数值模拟结果表明,在喷注与部分子物质的强相互作用中,喷注会有明显的能量损失。末态双喷注不对称是由初态不对称度和部分子喷注能损的共同作用导致的;喷注的碎裂函数可以分解为碎裂强子化和组合强子化两部分;相比于领头喷注,由于次领头喷注能量损失更大,所以导致次领头喷注的形状改变更大一些。
This paper summarizes the isoscaling and isospin related studies in asymmetry nuclear reactions by different dynamic and sta tistical models. Isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD) and lattice gas model (LGM) are used to study the isoscaling properties and isoscaling parameters dependence on incident energies, impact parameters, temperature and other parameters. In the LGM model, the signal of phase transition has been found in free neutron (proton) chemical potential dif ference Δμn or Δμp as a function of temperature, or in free neutron and proton chemical potential difference Δμn-Δμp. Density dependence of symmetry energy coefficient Csym(ρ/ρ0) is also studied in the frame of LGM, with the potential parameters which can reproduce the nuclear ground state property, soft density dependence of symmetry energy is deduced from the sim ulation results. Giant dipole resonance (GDR) induced by isospin asymmetry in entrance channel is also studied via IQMD model, and the dynamic dipole resonance shows isospin sensitivity on the isospin asymmetry of entrance channel and sym metry energy of the nuclear equation of state (EOS). GDR can also be regarded as a possible isospin sensitive signature.
TIAN WenDong1, MA YuGang1, CAI XiangZhou1, FANG DeQing1, WANG HongWei1 & WU HongLi1,2 1 Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
We present a systematic analysis of two-pion interferometry for the central Au+Au collisions at √SNN=3, 5, 7, 11, 17, 27, 39, 62, 130 and 200 GeV/c with the help of a multiphase transport (AMPT) model. Emission source-size radius parameters Rlong, Rout, Rside and the chaotic parameter A are extracted and compared with the experimental data. Transverse momentum and azimuthal angle dependencies of the HBT radii are also discussed for central Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV/c. The results show that the HBT radii in central collisions do not change much above 7 GeV/c. For central collisions at 200 GeV/c, the radii decrease with the increasing of transverse momentum PT but are not sensitive to the azimuthal angle. These results provide a theoretical reference for the energy scan program of the RHIC-STAR experiment.
Shear viscosity (η) is a basic transport coefficient of the medium.In this work,we calculate shear viscosity to entropy density ratio (η/S) of an equilibrated system in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions within the framework of the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck model (BUU) model.After the equilibration of Au + Au system at central collision in a fixed volume is reached,temperature,pressure and energy density are extracted by the phase space information and then η/S is calculated using the Green-Kubo formulas.The results show that η/S drops with the incident energy and its value is not so drastically different from the RHIC results.
Dynamical dipole mode in heavy-ion collisions has been studied by using an isospin-dependent BoltzmannUehling-Uhlenbeck(IBUU) model. We investigate the dependence of centroid energy and strength of the γspectrum on beam energy, N/Z ratio and mass asymmetry. The calculated yield and angular distribution of theγ-ray produced by dynamical dipole emission are consistent with the experimental data. The results show that the detailed study of dynamical dipole radiation can provide information on the isospin evolution of chargeasymmetric heavy-ion collisions around the normal nuclear density.
By extending the minimum spanning tree(MST)clusterization algorithm for the binding energy cut,the isospin asymmetry dependence of directed flow for isospin sensitive isobar pairs(neutrons-protons,3H-3He) is studied from low towards high incident energies.The modified clusterization method(MSTB) has the advantage to identify the fragments at quite early time.It enhances(reduces) the production of free nucleons(fragments) over MST method.The directed flow of isobaric pair3H-3He is more sensitive towards isospin asymmetry caused by MSTB than isobaric pair n-p.This sensitivity becomes quite strong towards the high incident energy and neutron-rich reaction system.In conclusion,the inclusion of binding energy in clusterization method for the flow studies has been uniquely important for understanding the isospin physics,especially for high density behavior of symmetry energy.