为实现探测器信号成像要求,研究一种气体电子倍增膜(gas electron multiplier,GEM)探测器的读出方法。采用印刷电路技术,将读出电极盘与场效应管的分立元件组合构成阵列,通过场效应管开关阵列,读出GEM探测器信号,并实现成像。实测表明:该方法的动态范围(最大信号与噪声高宽的比值)可达7.3×104,积分非线性小于0.324%,灵敏度为2.55 V/nC,可实现30帧/s的实时成像。该方法具有制作工艺简单、参数可调、成本低等优点,为随后采用厚膜技术及薄膜场效应管技术读出GEM探测器提供了重要的设计依据。
Among the various micro-pattern gas detectors (MPGD) that are available, the gas electron multiplier (GEM) detector is an attractive gas detector that has been used in particle physics experiments. However, the GEM detector usually needs thousands of preamplifier units for its large number of micro-pattern readout strips or pads, which leads to considerable difficulties and complexities for front end electronics (FEE). Nowadays, by making use of complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-based application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), it is fea- sible to integrate hundreds of preamplifier units and other signal process circuits in a small-sized chip, which can be bound to the readout strips or pads of a micro-pattern particle detector (MPPD). Therefore, CMOS ASIC may provide an ideal solution to the readout problem of MPPD. In this article, a triple GEM detector is constructed and one of its readout strips is connected to a CMOS charge-sensitive preamplifier chip. The chip was exposed to an 55Fe source of 5.9 keV X-ray, and the amplitude spectrum of the chip was tested, and it was found that the energy resolution was approximately 27%, which indicates that the chip can be used in triple GEM detectors.
LAI Yong-FangDENG ZhiLI Yu-LanLIU Yi-NongLI Yuan-JingLI Jin
A time projection chamber (TPC) readout by gas electron multipliers (GEM) detector is a very promising candidate for the central tracking system of ILC (International Linear Collider). A prototype is designed and set up in our lab and introduced here. The tests during and after the assembly prove that the prototype TPC has been constructed successfully. It is ready for further study.