The improved RSA signature scheme can be strictly proved to be equivalent to the factoring problem. In the improved RSA signature scheme, when the public exponent e=1, the scheme becomes the improved Rabin signature. Such an improved Rabin signature scheme is reviewed and the techniques from the provable security is applied to analyze its security.
With recent advances of quantum computanon, new threats key cryptosystems. In order to build more secure bit commitment schemes, this paper gave a survey of the new coming braid-based cryptography and then brought forward the first braid-based bit commitment protocol. The security proof manifests that the proposed protocol is computationally binding and information-theoretically hiding. Furthermore, the proposed protocol is also invulnerable to currently known quantum attacks.
Peer-to-peer computing has recently started to gain significant acceptance, since it can greatly increase the performance and reliability of overall system. However, the security issue is still a major gating factor for its full adoption. In order to guarantee the security of data exchanged between two peers in Peer-to-Peer system, this paper comes up with an ID-based authenticated key agreement from bilinear pairings and uses BAN logic to prove the protocol’s security. Compared with other existing protocols, the proposed protocol seems more secure and efficient, since it adopts the static shared Diffie-Hellman key.
Remote user authentication is essential in distributed network environment to protect unauthorized access of a networked system. However, most of those existing remote user authentication schemes have not provided the user identity anonymity, while user anonymity is particularly important in some practical applications. Therefore, based on self-encryption mechanism, a new remote user authentication scheme was proposed. The scheme not only has no need of maintaining a password table at the remote server, but also can protect the user’s anonymity.