For a sequence of identically distributed negatively associated random variables {Xn; n ≥ 1} with partial sums Sn = ∑i=1^n Xi, n ≥ 1, refinements are presented of the classical Baum-Katz and Lai complete convergence theorems. More specifically, necessary and sufficient moment conditions are provided for complete moment convergence of the form ∑n≥n0 n^r-2-1/pq anE(max1≤k≤n|Sk|^1/q-∈bn^1/qp)^+〈∞to hold where r 〉 1, q 〉 0 and either n0 = 1,0 〈 p 〈 2, an = 1,bn = n or n0 = 3,p = 2, an = 1 (log n) ^1/2q, bn=n log n. These results extend results of Chow and of Li and Spataru from the indepen- dent and identically distributed case to the identically distributed negatively associated setting. The complete moment convergence is also shown to be equivalent to a form of complete integral convergence.
In this paper, we discuss the asymptotic normality of the wavelet estimator of the density function based on censored data, when the survival and the censoring times form a stationary α-mixing sequence. To simulate the distribution of estimator such that it is easy to perform statistical inference for the density function, a random weighted estimator of the density function is also constructed and investigated. Finite sample behavior of the estimator is investigated via simulations too.
Let {Xni} be an array of rowwise negatively associated random variables and Tnk=k∑i=1 i^a Xni for a ≥ -1, Snk =∑|i|≤k Ф(i/nη)1/nη Xni for η∈(0,1],where Ф is some function. The author studies necessary and sufficient conditions of ∞∑n=1 AnP(max 1≤k≤n|Tnk|〉εBn)〈∞ and ∞∑n=1 CnP(max 0≤k≤mn|Snk|〉εDn)〈∞ for all ε 〉 0, where An, Bn, Cn and Dn are some positive constants, mn ∈ N with mn /nη →∞. The results of Lanzinger and Stadtmfiller in 2003 are extended from the i.i.d, case to the case of the negatively associated, not necessarily identically distributed random variables. Also, the result of Pruss in 2003 on independent variables reduces to a special case of the present paper; furthermore, the necessity part of his result is complemented.
考虑半参数回归模型yi=xiβ+g(ti)+Vi(1≤i≤n), 其中(xi,ti)是已知的设计点, 斜率参数β是未知的, g(·)是未知函数, 误差Vi=sum from j=-∞ to ∞(cjei-j),sum from j=-∞ to ∞(|cj|<∞)并且ei是负相关的随机变量. 在适当的条件下, 我们研究了β与g(·)小波估计量的强收敛速度. 结果显示g(·)的小波估计量达到最优收敛速度. 同时, 对β小波估计量也作了模拟研究.