利用PPG-1脉冲电流源(400 k A,100 ns),同时驱动X-pinch和双丝Z箍缩负载.用X-pinch作为X射线源,对双丝Z箍缩进行了轴向背光照相的初步实验.得到了双丝Z箍缩在r-θ平面上随时间演化的图像,观察到了丝阵Z箍缩所有早期过程,包括丝芯膨胀、冕层等离子体产生、等离子体向丝阵中心的运动、先驱等离子体形成.利用阶跃光楔滤片,对上述背光图像进行了等离子体质量面密度的标定,首次得到了在r-θ平面上双丝Z箍缩等离子体质量面密度的时空分布图像.
An X-pinch axial backlighting system has been designed to quantitatively measure the density distribution of wirearray Z-pinch plasmas. End-on backlighting experiments were carried out on a 200 kA, 100 ns pulsed-power generator(PPG-1) at the Tsinghua University. Compared with side-on backlighting, end-on measurements provide an axial view of the evolution of Z-pinch plasmas. Early stages of 2-, 4-, and 8-wire Z-pinch plasmas were observed via point-projection backlighting radiography with a relatively high success rate. The density distribution of Z-pinch plasma on the r–θ plane was obtained directly from the images with the help of step wedges, and the inward radial velocity was calculated. The ablation rates obtained by X-pinch backlighting experiments are compared in detail with those calculated by the rocket model and the results show consistency.
Shen ZhaoXinlei ZhuHuantong ShiXiaobing ZouXinxin Wang
The current and the voltage of an X-pinch were measured. The inductance of the X-pinch was assumed to be a constant and estimated by the calculation of the magnetic field based on the well-known Biot–Savart’s Law. The voltage of the inductance was calculated with L · di/dt and subtracted from the measured voltage of the X-pinch. Then, the resistance of the X-pinch was determined and the following results were obtained. At the start of the current flow the resistance of the exploding wires is several tens of Ohms, one order of magnitude, higher than the metallic resistance of the wires at room temperature, and then it falls quickly to about 1 , which reflects the physical processes occurring in the electrically exploding wires, i.e., a current transition from the highly resistive wire core to the highly conductive plasma. It was shown that the inductive contribution to the voltage of the X-pinch is less than the resistive contribution. For the wires we used, the wires’ material and diameter have no strong influence on the resistance of the X-pinch, which may be explained by the fact that the current flows through the plasma rather than through the metallic wire itself. As a result, the current is almost equally divided between two parallel X-pinches even though the diameter and material of the wires used for these two X-pinches are significantly different.