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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
本文研究了2005年8月24日强磁暴(事件A,Dst<200 nT,AE指数平均值为436 nT)与2006年10月28日弱磁暴(事件B,Dst>50 nT,AE指数平均值为320 nT)期间同步轨道高能电子通量的演化过程.LANL和GOES-12卫星观测数据表明:恢复相期间,事件A和事件B中高能电子通量均上升约10倍;随着亚暴持续的发生,Cluster C4卫星均观测到同步轨道存在强烈的哨声波合声模(波强达到10 5nT2/Hz),波幅主要依赖于亚暴AE指数,与Dst指数关联较弱.采用高斯波谱拟合,求解了控制波粒相互作用的Fokker-Planck扩散方程.模拟结果表明:两例事件中的合声模能有效加速1 MeV左右的高能电子,且在高投掷角区域加速作用更加明显;加速时间尺度和幅度与观测数据基本吻合.本文研究为合声模加速辐射带高能电子过程提供了新的观测支持.
Interaction between electromagnetic waves and energetic particles by a realistic density model被引量:1
Using a realistic density model,we present a first study on the interactions between electromagnetic waves and energetic particles in the inner magnetosphere.Numerical calculations show that as the latitude λ increases,the number density ne increases,and resonant frequency range moves to lower pitch angles.During L-mode/electron and L-mode/proton interactions,the pitch angle diffusion dominates over the momentum diffusion.This indicates that L-mode waves are primarily responsible for pitch angle scattering.For R-mode/electron interaction,the momentum diffusion is found to be comparable to the pitch angle diffusion,implying that R-mode waves can play an important role in both pitch angle scattering and stochastic acceleration of electrons.For R-mode/proton interaction,diffusion coefficients locate primarily below pitch angle 60° and increase as kinetic energy increases,suggesting that R-mode waves have potential for pitch angle scattering of highly energetic (~1 MeV) protons but cannot efficiently accelerate protons.
HE YiHua1,2,CHEN LiangXu1,XIAO FuLiang1 & YANG Chang1 1 School of Physics and Electronic Sciences,Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha 410004,China
Dynamic evolution of outer radiation belt electrons driven by superluminous R-X mode waves被引量:7
We present initial results on the temporal evolution of the phase space density (PSD) of the outer radiation belt energetic electrons driven by the superluminous R-X mode waves. We calculate diffusion rates in pitch angle and momentum assuming the standard Gaussian distributions in both wave frequency and wave normal angle at the location L=6.5. We solve a 2D momentum-pitch-angle Fokker-Planck equation using those diffusion rates as inputs. Numerical results show that R-X mode can produce significant acceleration of relativistic electrons around geostationary orbit,supporting previous findings that superluminous waves potentially contribute to dramatic variation in the outer radiation belt electron dynamics.
XIAO FuLiang1,2, CHEN LiangXu1, HE YiHua1 & YANG Chang1 1 School of Physics and Electronic Sciences, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
A Three-Dimensional Ray Tracing Study on Whistler-Mode Chorus During Geomagnetic Activities
A three-dimensional ray tracing study of a whistler-mode chorus is conducted for different geomagnetic activities by using a global core plasma density model. For the upperband chorus, the initial azimuthal wave angle affects slightly the projection of ray trajectories onto the plane (Z, √(x^2 + y^2)), but controls the longitudinal propagation. The trajectory of the upper-band chorus is strongly associated with the plasmapause and the magnetic local time (MLT) of chorus source region. For the high geomagnetic activity, the chorus trajectory moves inward together with the plasmapause. In the bulge region, the plasmapause extends outward, while the chorus trajectory moves outward together with the plasmapause. For moderately or high geomagnetic activity, the lower-band chorus suffers low hybrid resonance (LHR) reflection before it reaches the plasmapause, leading to a weak correlation with the geomagnetic activity and magnetic local time of the chorus source region. For low geomagnetic activity, the lower-band chorus may be reflected firstly at the plasmapause instead of suffering LHR reflection, exhibiting a propagation characteristic similar to that of the upper-band chorus. The results provide a new insight into the propagation characteristics of the chorus for different geomagnetic activities and contribute to further understanding of the acceleration of energetic electron by a chorus wave.
Latest progress on interactions between VLF/ELF waves and energetic electrons in the inner magnetosphere被引量:8
Interactions between very/extremely low frequency (VLF/ELF) waves and energetic electrons play a fundamental role in dynamics occurring in the inner magnetosphere. Here, we briefly discuss global properties of VLF/ELF waves, along with the variability of the electron radiation belts associated with wave-particle interactions and radial diffusion. We provide cases of electron loss and acceleration as a result of wave-particle interactions primarily due to such waves, and particularly some preliminary results of 3D evolution of phase space density from our currently developing 3D code. We comment on the existing mechanisms responsible for acceleration and loss, and identify several critical issues that need to be addressed. We review latest progress and suggest open questions for future investigation.
XIAO FuLiang1,2, ZONG QiuGang3, SU ZhenPeng4, TIAN Tian3 & ZHENG HuiNan4 1 School of Physics and Electronic Sciences, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410004, China