To overcome the failure in eliminating suspicious patterns or association rules existing in traditional association rules mining, we propose a novel method to mine item-item and between-set correlated association rules. First, we present three measurements: the association, correlation, and item-set correlation measurements. In the association measurement, the all-confidence measure is used to filter suspicious cross-support patterns, while the all-item-confidence measure is applied in the correlation measurement to eliminate spurious association rules that contain negatively correlated items. Then, we define the item-set correlation measurement and show its corresponding properties. By using this measurement, spurious association rules in which the antecedent and consequent item-sets are negatively correlated can be eliminated. Finally, we propose item-item and between-set correlated association rules and two mining algorithms, I&ISCoMine_AP and I&ISCoMine_CT. Experimental results with synthetic and real retail datasets show that the proposed method is effective and valid.