Using monitored active layer thickness(ALT) and environmental variables of 10 observation fields along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway in permafrost region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau(QTP),a model for ALT estimation was developed.The temporal and spatial characteristics of the ALT were also analyzed.The results showed that in the past 30 years ALT in the study region increased at a rate of 1.33 cm a-1.Temperatures at the upper limit of permafrost and at 50 cm depth,along with soil cumulative temperature at 5 cm depth also exhibited a rising trend.Soil heat flux increased at a rate of 0.1 Wm-2 a-1.All the above changes demonstrated that the degradation of permafrost happened in the study region on the QTP.The initial thawing date of active layer was advanced,while the initial freezing date was delayed.The number of thawing days increased to a rate of 1.18 da-1.The variations of active layer were closely related to the permafrost type,altitude,underlying surface type and soil composition.The variations were more evident in cold permafrost region than in warm permafrost region,in high-altitude region than in low-altitude region,in alpine meadow region than in alpine steppe region;and in fine-grained soil region than in coarse-grained soil region.
LI RenZHAO LinDING YongJianWU TongHuaXIAO YaoDU ErJiLIU GuangYueQIAO YongPing
以青藏高原高寒草甸4种主要草地类型为研究对象,分析了不同植被类型土壤的理化性质、土壤微生物数量、土壤酶活性与生态系统功能间的相互关系。结果表明,不同植被类型群落的土壤特性存在明显差异。藏嵩草沼泽化草甸0~40 cm 土层土壤容重、土壤含水量、土壤有机质、土壤全氮和土壤速效氮含量明显不同于矮嵩草草甸、小嵩草草甸和金露梅灌丛草甸,土壤物理特性的改变(土壤养分、土壤容重、土壤湿度等)会引起植被组成、物种多样性变化;细菌数量和真菌数量与植物群落地上生物量之间存在显著正相关关系(P<0.05)、放线菌数量与生物量之间的相关性不显著,不同植被类型的群落生物量影响着土壤微生物数量和组成;不同草地类型植物群落地上生物量与土壤酶活性(磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、蛋白酶、脲酶等)之间存在显著的正相关关系(P<0.05),土壤酶活性对土壤有机质、腐殖质等的合成起到了积极作用。土壤酶活性的高低不仅影响了群落生物量,同时也影响群落物种多样性(物种丰富度),土壤酶活性的高低通过影响土壤微生物种类和数量、土壤养分含量,从而间接影响群落物种多样性。