NADPH氧化酶特异存在于吞噬细胞质膜,能生成用于清除病原微生物的活性氧(reactive oxy- gen species,ROS)。NOX是NADPH氧化酶催化亚基gp91phox的同源物,存在于多种非吞噬细胞。目前发现的NOX有NOX1、NOX3、NOX4及NOX5,虽然它们有一定的组织特异性,但与NADPH氧化酶一样均有催化生成ROS的能力。与吞噬细胞中NADPH氧化酶所制造的ROS不同,NOX所产生的ROS并不主要起细胞防御功能,而是作为第二信使,参与细胞增殖、分化、凋亡的调节。此外, NOX对血管生成及骨吸收也有一定的影响,同时还可作为氧感受器调节促红细胞生成素(EPO)的产生。
Emodin (1,3,8-trihydroxy-6-methylanthraquinone) could enhance the sensitivity of tumor cells to arsenic trioxide(As2O3)–induced apoptosis via generation of ROS, but the molecular mechanism has not been elucidated. Here, wecarried out cDNA microarray-based global transcription profiling of HeLa cells in response to As2O3/emodin cotreatment,comparing with As2O3–only treatment. The results showed that the expression of a number of genes was substantiallyaltered at two time points. These genes are involved in different aspects of cell function. In addition to redox regulationand apoptosis, ROS affect genes encoding proteins associated with cell signaling, organelle functions, cell cycle,cytoskeleton, etc. These data suggest that based on the cytotoxicity of As2O3, emodin mobilize every genomic resourcethrough which the As2O3–induced apoptosis is facilitated.
Xiao Jing WANGJie YANGHui CANGYan Qiong ZOUJing YI