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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
Chordoid meningioma: a retrospective study of 17 cases at a single institution被引量:4
Chordoid meningioma (CM), characterized by its resemblance to chordoma, was first described by Kepes et al' in 1988, and classified histologically as a WHO grade II neoplasm in the 2000 revision of the WHO grading system, featured by its aggressive clinical course, great risk of recurrence, and infrequent association with hematological conditions.2 This article describes the clinical course, radiological characteristics, postoperative treatment, and prognosis of 17 patients with CM who underwent surgical treatment at our hospital.
Zhu Hong-daChen HongXie QingGong YeMao YingZhong PingChe Xiao-mingJiang Chen-chuanHuang Feng-pingZheng KangLi Shi-qiGu Yu-xiangBao Wei-mingYang Bo-jieWu Jin-songWang YinXie Li-qianZheng Ming-zheTang Hai-liangWang Dai-junChen Xian-chengZhou Liang-fu
Preoperative surgical planning for intracranial meningioma resection by virtual reality被引量:10
Background The Dextroscope system by Volume Interactions (Singapore) had been applied to minimally invasive neurosurgery in many units. This system enables the neurosurgeon to interact intuitively with the three-dimensional graphics in a direct manner resembling the way one communicates with the real objects. In the paper, we explored its values in pre-operation surgical planning for intracranial meningiomas resection. Methods Brain computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and magnetic resonance venography (MRV) were performed on 10 patients with parasagittal and falcine meningiomas located on central groove area; brain CT, MRI and magnetic resonance angiography (MIRA) were performed on 10 patients with anterior skull base meningiomas and 10 patients with sphenoid ridge meningiomas. All these data were transferred to Dextroscope virtual reality system, and reconstructed. Then meningiomas, skull base, brain tissue, drainage vein and cerebral arteries were displayed within the system, and their anatomic relationships were evaluated. Also, the simulation operations were performed. Results For parasagittal and falcine meningiomas, the relationships of tumor with drainage vein and superior sagittal sinus were clearly displayed in the Dextroscope system. For anterior skull base and sphenoid ridge meningiomas, the relationships of tumor with bilateral internal carotid arteries, anterior cerebral arteries, middle cerebral arteries and skull base were vividly displayed within the virtual reality system. Surgical planning and simulation operation of all cases were performed as well. The real operations of all patients were conducted according to the simulation with well outcomes. Conclusions According to the virtual reality planning, neurosurgeons could get more anatomic information about meningioma and its surrounding structures, especially important vessels, and choose the best approach for tumor resection, which would lead to better prognosis for patients.
TANG Hai-liangSUN Hua-pingGONG YeMAO YingWU Jing-songZHANG Xiao-luoXIE QingXIE Li-qianZHENG Ming-zheWANG Dai-junZHU Hong-daTANG Wei-junFENG Xiao-yuanCHEN Xian-chengZHOU Liang-fu
Intraoperative ultrasound assistance in resection of intracranial meningiomas被引量:3
Objective: Intracranial meningiomas, especially those located at anterior and middle skull base, are difficult to be completely resected due to their complicated anatomy structures and adjacent vessels. It's essential to locate the tumor and its vessels precisely during operation to reduce the risk of neurological deficits. The purpose of this study was to evaluate intraoperative ultrasonography in displaying intracranial meningioma and its surrounding arteries, and evaluate its potential to improve surgical precision and minimize surgical trauma. Methods: Between December 2011 and January 2013, 20 patients with anterior and middle skull base meningioma underwent surgery with the assistance of intraoperative ultrasonography in the Neurosurgery Department of Shanghai Huashan Hospital. There were 7 male and 13 female patients, aged from 31 to 66 years old. Their sonographic features were analyzed and the advantages of intraoperative ultrasonography were discussed. Results: The border of the rneningioma and its adjacent vessels could be exhibited on intraoperative ultrasonography. The sonographic visualization allowed the neurosurgeon to choose an appropriate approach before the operation. In addition, intraoperative ultrasonography could inform neurosurgeons about the location of the tumor, its relation to the surrounding arteries during the operation, thus these essential arteries could be protected carefully. Conclusions: Intraoperative ultrasonography is a useful intraoperative technique. When appropriately applied to assist surgical procedures for intracranial meningioma, it could offer very important intraoperative information (such as the tumor supplying vessels) that helps to improve surgical resection and therefore might reduce the postoperative morbidity.
Hailiang TangHuaping SunLiqian XieQisheng TangYe GongYing MaoQing XieMingzhe ZhengDaijun WangHongda ZhuJianhong ZhuXiaoyuan FengZhenwei YaoXiancheng ChenLiangfu Zhou
Clinicopathological analysis of metaplastic meningioma: report of 15 cases in Huashan Hospital被引量:6
Objective: Metaplastic meningioma is a rare subtype of benign meningiomas, classified as WHO grade I with well prognosis. Here we presented our experiences on 15 cases of metaplastic meningioma, to investigate the clinicopathological features, therapies and prognosis of these cases. Methods: 15 patients underwent surgical treatment for intracranial metaplastic meningioma between 2001 and 2010 at Neurosurgery Department of Huashan Hospital, Shanghai, China. The clinical data, radiological manifestation, treatment strategy, pathological findings and prognosis of all patients were analyzed retrospectively. Results: Among the 15 cases (10 males and 5 females), the age ranged from 22 to 74 years old (the mean age was 50.67-year old). The clinical manifestations include headache, dizziness, seizure attack, vision decrease, and weakness of bilateral lower limbs. All the patients received surgical treatment, combined with radiotherapy in some cases. In the follow-up period, recurrence occurred in 2 cases, of which 1 patient died of other system complications. Conclusions: Metaplastic meningiomas are characterized by focal or widespread mesenchymal differentiation with formation of bone, cartilage, fat, and xanthomatous tissue elements. Surgical removal is the optimal therapy, and the overall prognosis is well. But recurrence may occur in some cases, thus radiotherapy is necessary for such kind of patients.
Hailiang TangHuaping SunHong ChenYe GongYing MaoQing XieLiqian XieMingzhe ZhengDaijun WangHongda ZhuXiaoming ChePing ZhongKang ZhengShiqi LiWeimin BaoJianhong ZhuXuanchun WangXiaoyuan FengXiancheng ChenLiangfu Zhou
目的:本研究探讨大鼠实验性脑出血(ICH)早期应用不同剂量他莫西芬(Tam)对脑损伤的保护作用。方法:雄性SD大鼠56只,予右侧基底节注射100μL自体动脉血制作ICH模型,并分为3大组。①24h脑水含量及病理观察组(各亚组均n=6):大鼠在ICH后2 h分别接受不同剂量Tam(Tam 2.5 mg·kg^(-1)组、Tam 5 mg·kg^(-1)组)和4%DMSO生理盐水(24 h对照组)腹腔注射,24 h后处死进行脑水含量及病理观察。②72 h脑水含量观察组(各亚组均n=6):大鼠在ICH后2h和24h分别接受不同剂量Tam(72h Tam2.5mg·kg^(-1)+2.5mg·kg^(-1)组、72hTam2.5mg.kg^(-1)+5mg·kg^(-1)组、72h Tam 5mg.kg^(-1)+5mg·kg^(-1)组)和4%DMSO生理盐水(72 h对照组)腹腔注射,于术后72 h处死测量脑水含量。③28 d影像学及病理学观察组:大鼠在ICH后2和24h分别2次给予tam(28d Tam 5mg.kg^(-1)+5mg,kg^(-1)组)(n=6),4%DMSO生理盐水(28 d对照组)(n=8)腹腔注射,分别在术后1、7、14和28d随访MRI和行为学变化,并在第28天处死进行组织学检查。结果:Tam5 mg·kg^(-1)能明显减轻ICH后3 d时脑水肿(P<0.05),改善术后行为学评分(P<0.05),并能明显减轻ICH术后28 d同侧尾状核的脑萎缩(P<0.01),但MRI提示2例大鼠出现幕上脑室异常扩大。结论:Tam作为选择性雌激素受体调节剂,在ICH后有明显的神经保护作用,但发生了脑积水的不良反应,需要进一步的研究。
Histopathological classification and location of consecutively operated meningiomas at a single institution in China from 2001 to 2010被引量:3
Background Meningioma is one of the most common primary tumors of the central nervous system, but there are not many detailed studies on the sex, age, subtypes and locations of large series. This study was a retrospective analysis of the characteristics of meningioma cases consecutively operated on at a single institution in China from 2001 to 2010. Methods This study investigated the demographic background of 7084 meningioma cases, and the subtypes and locations of the tumors. Sex and age distributions were analyzed, and the pathological subtypes were classified according to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification. The location of the meningiomas was also categorized. Results The female:male ratio of the 7084 cases was 2.34:1. The mean age was 51.4 years (range, 11 months-86 years). The mean age of cases of WHO grade I meningioma was significantly older than that of grade II or III meningiomas (P 〈0.001, Fisher's Least Significant Digit test). There was a significantly higher female:male ratio in WHO grade I meningiomas than in grade II or grade III meningiomas (2.57, 1.03 and 0.76, respectively; P 〈0.001, X^2 test). Meningothelial (n=2061) and fibrous meningiomas (n=3556) were the most common subtypes, comprising 79.3% of all meningiomas. All meningioma cases were classified into 23 locations in this study, with the cerebral convexity the most common site (38.33%, n=2722). Cases with uncommon locations such as extra-cranial and sylvian fissure meningiomas were also present in this series. Conclusions Female predominance was found for benign meningiomas, while malignant subtypes showed male predominance. The mean age of patients with WHO grade Ⅰ meningiomas was older than that of patients with higher-grade tumors. Meningothelial and fibrous meningiomas were the most common subtypes. The cerebral convexity was the most common menin.qioma location.
WANG Dai-junXIE QingGONG YeMAO YingWANG YinCHENG Hai-xiaZHONG PingCHE Xiao-mingJIANG Cheng-chuanHUANG Feng-pingZHENG KangLI Shi-qiGU Yu-xiangBAO Wei-minYANG Bo-jieWU Jing-songXIE Li-qianZHENG Ming-zheTANG Hai-liangZHU Hong-daCHEN Xian-chengZHOU Liang-fu