In order to provide the scientific basis for the governance of Tien Lake. The experiment was conducted to investigate different types of surface soiI phospho-rus in Tien Lake Basin, the author malnIy studied the evoIution and the accumuIa-tion characteristics of the surface soiI phosphorus in Tien Lake Basin. The resuIts showed that: The content of surface soiI total phosphorus, OIsen-P and water soIu-bIe phosphorus in Tien Lake was significant accumuIated over the past 20 years. The content of total phosphorus, OIsen-P and water soIubIe phosphorus in different Iand utiIization types showed the same sequence: greenhouse soi〉arabIe soi〉buiIt-up area soi〉woodIand soiI. The content of soiI total phosphorus, OIsen-P and water soIubIe phosphorus was signal y reIevant. The content of soiI phosphorus in Tien Lake Basin had reached the IeveI of very rich, the accumuIation characteristic of phosphorus was obvious and there was a high risk of phosphorus poI ution.