In this paper,direct numerical simulation(DNS)is presented for spatially evolving turbulent boundary layer over an isothermal flat-plate at Ma∞=2.25,5,6,8.When Ma∞=8,two cases with the ratio of wall-to-reference temperature T_(w)/T_(∞)=1.9 and 10.03 are considered respectively.The wall temperature approaches recovery temperatures for other cases.The characteristics of compressible turbulent boundary layer(CTBL)affected by freestream Mach number and wall temperature are investigated.It focuses on assessing compressibility effects and the validity of Morkovin’s hypothesis through computing and analyzing the mean velocity profile,turbulent intensity,the strong Reynolds analogy(SRA)and possibility density function of dilatation term.The results show that,when the wall temperature approaches recovery temperature,the effects of Mach number on compressibility is insignificant.As a result,the compressibility effect is very weak and the Morkovin’s hypothesis is still valid for Mach number even up to 8.However,when Mach number equal to 8,the wall temperature effect on the compressibility is sensitive.In this case,when T_(w)/T_(∞)=1.9,the Morkovin’s hypothesis is not fully valid.The validity of classical SRA depends on wall temperature directly.A new modified SRA is proposed to eliminate such negative factor in near wall region.Finally the effects of Mach number and wall temperature on streaks are also studied.
In spectral-like resolution-WENO hybrid schemes,if the switch function takes more grid points as discontinuity points,the WENO scheme is often turned on,and the numerical solutions may be too dissipative.Conversely,if the switch function takes less grid points as discontinuity points,the hybrid schemes usually are found to produce oscillatory solutions or just to be unstable.Even if the switch function takes less grid points as discontinuity points,the final hybrid scheme is inclined to be more stable,provided the spectral-like resolution scheme in the hybrid scheme has moderate shock-capturing capability.Following this idea,we propose nonlinear spectral-like schemes named weighted group velocity control(WGVC)schemes.These schemes show not only high-resolution for short waves but also moderate shock capturing capability.Then a new class of hybrid schemes is designed in which the WGVC scheme is used in smooth regions and the WENO scheme is used to capture discontinuities.These hybrid schemes show good resolution for small-scales structures and fine shock-capturing capabilities while the switch function takes less grid points as discontinuity points.The seven-order WGVC-WENO scheme has also been applied successfully to the direct numerical simulation of oblique shock wave-turbulent boundary layer interaction.
提出一种基于非结构混合网格和有限体积法的有效计算策略,对第二期国际涡流试验项目(second international vortex flow experiment,VFE-2)的尖前缘65°三角翼在马赫数0.4,迎角20.3°,雷诺数2×10~6条件下的亚音速复杂流场结构进行数值模拟,重点探讨了基于计算数据进行该类型复杂涡系干扰表面和空间流场关键特征提取和数据可视化问题.通过与相关试验类比,建立了与先进试验流动显示技术相比拟的定性和定量分析方法,为三角翼这类复杂流场结构的精细分析奠定了技术基础.采用上述方法,细致分析了亚音速三角翼的大迎角复杂旋涡流场结构,得到了与试验一致的结论.研究证实:在大迎角条件下,三角翼流动物理复杂,黏性效应耦合严重,只有通过N-S方程计算才能准确地捕捉主涡和二次涡的发展.