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  • 2篇中文期刊文章


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  • 1篇机械工程


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  • 1篇STARS
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  • 2篇Resear...


  • 1篇2014
  • 1篇2012
2 条 记 录,以下是 1-2
Line profile analysis of an astronomical spectrograph with a laser frequency comb
We present a study of the spectral line shape associated with a High Resolution Spectrograph on the 2.16 m telescope at the Xinglong Observing Station of National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This measurement is based on modeling the instrumental line shape obtained by unresolved modes from a Yb-fiber mode-locked laser frequency comb. With the current repetition rate of 250 MHz and 26 GHz mode spacing on the spectrograph, we find the absolute variation of the line center, 0.0597 pixel in the direction of the CCDs, and 0.00275 pixel (~3 m s^-1) for relative variation in successive exposures on a short timescale. A novel double-Gaussian model is presented to improve the quality of the fit by a factor of 2.47 in a typical single exposure. We also use analysis with raw moments and central moments to characterize the change in line shape across the detector. A trend in charge transfer efficiency can be found on the E2V 4096 ×4096 CCD that provides a correction for wavelength calibration aiming to reach a level of precision for radial velocity below 1 m s^- 1.
Fei ZhaoGang ZhaoGaspare Lo CurtoHui-Juan WangYu-Juan LiuLiang WangWei Wang
A search for metal-poor stars pre-enriched by pair-instability supernovae I. A pilot study for target selection from Sloan Digital Sky Survey
We report on a pilot study on identifying metal-poor stars pre-enriched by Pair-Instability Supernovae(PISNe).Very massive,first generation(Population Ⅲ) stars(140 M⊙≤M≤260 M⊙)end their lives as PISNe,which have been predicted by theories,but no relics of PISNe have been observed yet.Among the distinct characteristics of the yields of PISNe,as predicted by theoretical calculations,are a strong odd-even effect,and a strong overabundance of Ca with respect to iron and the solar ratio.We use the latter characteristic to identify metal-poor stars in the Galactic halo that have been pre-enriched by PISNe,by comparing metallicites derived from strong, co-added Fe lines detected in low-resolution(i.e.,R=λ/△λ~2000)spectra of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS),with metallicities determined by the SDSS Stellar Parameters Pipeline(SSPP).The latter are based on the strength of the CaⅡ K line and assumptions on the Ca/Fe abundance ratio.Stars are selected as candidates if their metallicity derived from Fe lines is significantly lower than the SSPP metallicities.In a sample of 12 300 stars for which SDSS spectroscopy is available,we have identified 18 candidate stars.Higher resolution and signal-to-noise ratio spectra of these candidates are being obtained with the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory and the XSHOOTER spectrograph,to determine their abundance patterns,and to verify our selection method.We plan to apply our method to the database of several million stellar spectra to be acquired with the Guo Shou Jing Telescope (LAMOST)in the next five years.
Jing RenNorbert ChristliebGang Zhao