The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis ERA40,National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP) 20th-century reanalysis,and three station observations along an Antarctic traverse from Zhongshan to Dome-A stations are used to assess 2-m temperature simulation skill of a regional climate model.This model(HIRHAM) is from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Germany.Results show:(1) The simulated multiyear averaged 2-m temperature field pattern is close to that of ERA40 and NCEP;(2) the cold bias relative to ERA40 over all of Antarctic regions is 1.8℃,and that to NCEP reaches 5.1℃;(3) bias of HIRHAM relative to ERA40 has seasonal variation,with a cold bias mainly in the summer,as much as 3.4℃.There is a small inland warm bias in autumn of 0.3℃.Further analysis reveals that the reason for the cold bias of 2-m temperature is that physical conditions of the near-surface boundary layer simulated by HIRHAM are different from observations:(1) During the summer,observations show that near-surface atmospheric stability conditions have both inversions and non-inversions,which is due to the existence of both positive and negative sensible heat fluxes,but HIRHAM almost always simulates a situation of inversion and negative sensible heat flux;(2) during autumn and winter,observed near-surface stability is almost always that of inversions,consistent with HIRHAM simulations.This partially explains the small bias during autumn and winter.
探明南极冰盖物质平衡状况,对研究全球变暖背景下海平面变化具有重要意义,也是南极冰川学的重要基础工作.在ITASE计划(International Trans Antarctic Scientific Expedition)和ISMASS计划(Ice Sheet MassBalance and Sea Level)的指导下,各国科学家对南极几个主要流域进行了大范围的实地观测,获取了一些重要成果.此外,由于极地测高卫星和重力卫星的应用,南极冰盖整体物质平衡状况评估在近期得到长足发展.无论是实地研究还是卫星遥感,都有其局限性,两者结合可以弥补各自的缺陷,是未来研究的主要发展方向,但目前仍未引起足够的重视.因此,本文综述了南极冰盖物质平衡研究的最新研究进展,将有关研究分局域和洲际尺度进行了介绍,并对国内的研究提出建议.