In this paper,we study the global singular symplectic flops related to the following affine hypersurface with cyclic quotient singularities,Vr,b={(x,y,z,t)∈C4|xy-z2r+t2=0}/μr(a,-a,b,0),r 2,where b=1 appears in Mori’s minimal model program and b=1 is a new class of singularities in symplectic birational geometry.We prove that two symplectic 3-orbifolds which are singular flops to each other have isomorphic Ruan cohomology rings.The proof is based on the symplectic cutting argument and virtual localization technique.
The aim of this paper is to show Cauchy-Kowalevski and Holmgren type theorems with an infinite number of variables. We adopt von Koch and Hilbert’s definition of analyticity of functions as monomial expansions. Our Cauchy-Kowalevski type theorem is derived by modifying the classical method of majorants.Based on this result, by employing some tools from abstract Wiener spaces, we establish our Holmgren type theorem.
In this paper, by using the de Rham model of Chen-Ruan cohomology, we define the relative Chen-Ruan cohomology ring for a pair of almost complex orbifold (G, H) with H being an almost sub-orbifold of G. Then we use the Gromov Witten invariants of G, the blow-up of G along H,to give a quantum modification of the relative Chen-Ruan cohomology ring H^R(G, H) when H is a compact symplectic sub-orbifold of the compact symplectic orbifold G.