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14 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
针对等离子体隐身技术在航空航天领域的良好应用前景,开展垂直入射到具有金属衬底的非磁化等离子体中电磁波衰减特性的理论与实验研究.利用WKB方法对电磁波衰减随等离子体参数的变化规律进行了理论分析.利用射频电感耦合放电方式产生稳定的大面积等离子体层,搭建了等离子体反射率弓形测试系统,进行了电磁波在非磁化等离子体中衰减效应的实验研究.利用微波相位法和光谱诊断法,得到不同放电功率下的等离子体电子密度,其范围为8.17×109—7.61×1010cm-3.本实验获得的等离子体可以使2.7 GHz和10.1 GHz电磁波分别得到一定的衰减,且电磁波衰减的理论与实验结果符合较好.结果表明,提高等离子体电子密度和覆盖均匀性有利于增强等离子体对电磁波的衰减效果.
Shockwave–boundary layer interaction control by plasma aerodynamic actuation:An experimental investigation
The potential of controlling shockwave-boundary layer interactions (SWBLIs) in air by plasma aerodynamic actua- tion is demonstrated. Experiments are conducted in a Mach 3 in-draft air tunnel. The separation-inducing shock is generated with a diamond-shaped shockwave generator located on the wall opposite to the surface electrodes, and the flow properties are studied with schlieren imaging and static wall pressure probes. The measurements show that the separation phenomenon is weakened with the plasma aerodynamic actuation, which is observed to have significant control authority over the inter- action. The main effect is the displacement of the reflected shock. Perturbations of incident and reflected oblique shocks interacting with the separation bubble in a rectangular cross section supersonic test section are produced by the plasma actuation. This interaction results in a reduction of the separation bubble size, as detected by phase-lock schlieren images. The measured static wall pressure also shows that the separation-inducing shock is restrained. Our results suggest that the boundary layer separation control through heating is the primary control mechanism.
Experimental Characterization of the Plasma Synthetic Jet Actuator被引量:12
The plasma synthetic jet is a novel active flow control method because of advantages such as fast response, high frequency and non-moving parts, and it has received more attention recently, especially regarding its application to high-speed flow control. In this paper, the experimental characterization of the plasma synthetic jet actuator is investigated. The actuator consists of a copper anode, a tungsten cathode and a ceramic shell, and with these three parts a cavity can be formed inside the actuator. A pulsed-DC power supply was adopted to generate the arc plasma between the electrodes, through which the gas inside was heated and expanded from the orifice. Discharge parameters such as voltage and current were recorded, respectively, by voltage and current probes. The schlieren system was used for flow visualization, and jet velocities with different discharge parameters were measured. The schlieren images showed that the strength of plasma jets in a series of pulses varies from each other. Through velocity measurement, it is found that at a fixed frequency, the jet velocity hardly increases when the discharge voltage ranges from 16 kV to 20 kV. However, with the discharge voltage fixed, the jet velocity suddenly decreases when the pulse frequency rises above 500 Hz, whereas at other testing frequencies no such decrease was observed. The maximum jet velocity measured in the experiment was up to 110 m/s, which is believed to be effective for high-speed flow control.
设计了一种闭式等离子体发生装置,采用射频电感耦合方式,以氩气为工作气体,在封闭式腔体低气压环境下进行放电实验。利用发射光谱法,测量了密闭腔体侧面方向的Ar谱线数据,研究了等离子体电子激发温度和电子密度随空间位置的分布规律以及不同射频功率对电子激发温度和电子密度的影响。等离子体中电子激发温度的变化通过玻尔兹曼斜率法进行分析,电子密度的变化则通过分析Ar原子750.4nm谱线强度变化获得。实验结果表明,该发生装置能够产生均匀持续的等离子体层,等离子体中电子激发温度约为9 500K。等离子体电子密度和电子激发温度随着输入射频功率的增加而增大,但变化幅度在减弱;当足够的输入功率时,等离子体层参数随位置的变化幅度较小。
Wind tunnel experiments on flow separation control of an Unmanned Air Vehicle by nanosecond discharge plasma aerodynamic actuation
Plasma flow control(PFC) is a new kind of active flow control technology, which can improve the aerodynamic performances of aircrafts remarkably. The flow separation control of an unmanned air vehicle(UAV) by nanosecond discharge plasma aerodynamic actuation(NDPAA) is investigated experimentally in this paper. Experimental results show that the applied voltages for both the nanosecond discharge and the millisecond discharge are nearly the same, but the current for nanosecond discharge(30 A) is much bigger than that for millisecond discharge(0.1 A). The flow field induced by the NDPAA is similar to a shock wave upward, and has a maximal velocity of less than 0.5 m/s. Fast heating effect for nanosecond discharge induces shock waves in the quiescent air. The lasting time of the shock waves is about 80 μs and its spread velocity is nearly 380 m/s. By using the NDPAA, the flow separation on the suction side of the UAV can be totally suppressed and the critical stall angle of attack increases from 20° to 27° with a maximal lift coefficient increment of 11.24%. The flow separation can be suppressed when the discharge voltage is larger than the threshold value, and the optimum operation frequency for the NDPAA is the one which makes the Strouhal number equal one. The NDPAA is more effective than the millisecond discharge plasma aerodynamic actuation(MDPAA) in boundary layer flow control. The main mechanism for nanosecond discharge is shock effect. Shock effect is more effective in flow control than momentum effect in high speed flow control.
闭式等离子体可以克服等离子体隐身技术在开放环境中等离子体难以维持及能耗过大的问题。针对等离子体隐身应用,设计了一种封闭式的等离子体发生装置,选用微秒脉冲电源,以氩气为工质气体,在低气压环境下进行了放电实验。采用发射光谱法,测量了密闭腔体内部厚度方向上的Ar谱线强度,并将碰撞-辐射模型用于分析等离子体参数的分布规律。当放电参数确定时,给定电子温度和电子密度,可通过碰撞-辐射模型计算得到2p能级上的布居分布比值,将其与从光谱数据中得到的布居分布比值进行比较,当差异值最小时,即可确定相应的等离子体参数。通过对电子温度在1~5 eV 范围内的2p9和2p1能级布居分布比值进行计算,分析了碰撞-辐射模型计算可能存在的误差。实验结果表明,在厚度方向上,封闭式腔体中的等离子体电子密度达到1011 cm^-3量级且呈一定的梯度分布,但变化幅度不大,其分布情况有利于等离子体隐身技术的应用。
结合NS-DBD实验数据和理论分析,建立NS-DBD单区非均匀唯象学模型,旨在通过合理的模型进行流动控制仿真,揭示流动控制机理.在平板无来流时,运用单区非均匀唯象学模型,通过引入涡量输运方程,求解涡量方程各项,分析展向涡形成机理.展向涡主要是由压力升诱导激励区压力梯度和密度梯度的不正交性产生的,其次是激励区附近流场的对流引起的涡量转移.圆柱上的激励仿真得到与实验一致的压缩波结构和冲击波位置,验证了模型合理性.NACA 0015翼型大迎角分离控制的仿真表明,激励诱导展向涡促使主流和分离流相互作用,使分离点移向下游;脉冲激励频率通过诱导展向涡的数量对流动分离产生不同的作用效果,本文最佳的无量纲激励频率为6.
Electrical and optical characteristics of the radio frequency surface dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuation
Electrical characteristics and optical emission spectrum of the radio frequency (RF) surface dielectric barrier discharge (SDBD) plasma actuation are investigated experimentally in this paper. Influences of operating pressure, duty cycle and load power on the discharge are analyzed. When the operating pressure reaches 30 kPa, the discharge energy calculated from the Charge-Voltage (Q-V) Lissajous figure increases significantly, while the effective capacitance decreases remarkably. As the duty cycle of the applied voltage increases, the voltage-current waveforms, the area of Q-V loop and the capacity show no distinct changes. Below 40 W, effective capacitance increases with the increase of load power, but it almost remains . peak peak unchanged when load power is between 40 W and 95 W. The relative intensity Ipeak 91.4/Ipeak380.5 changes little as the operating pressure varies from 4 kPa to 100 kPa, while it rises evidently with the pressure below 4 kPa, which indicates that the RF discharge mode shifts from filamentary discharge to glow discharge at around 4 kPa. With the increase of load power, the Ipeak371.1/Ipeak380.5 relative intensity Ipeak91.4/Ipeak380.5 rises evidently Additionally, the relative intensity Ipeak91.4/Ipeak380.5 is insensitive to the pressure, the duty cycle, and the load power.
为满足飞行器典型部件隐身需求,针对等离子体隐身技术应用中存在的在低空开放环境下不易产生和维持的问题,设计了一种封闭式的等离子体发生器。使用μs脉冲电源,以氩气为工作气体,在低气压下进行了放电实验。利用发射光谱法,研究了电子温度和电子密度在密闭腔体内部的分布规律。等离子体电子温度变化采用Boltzmann曲线斜率法进行分析,等离子体电子密度的变化通过分析Ar 750.38nm谱线强度变化得到。实验发现:放电电压对于电子密度的影响较为强烈,而对于电子温度影响相对较小。无论从腔体X轴还是Y轴出发,都可以看出其电子温度总体上呈现下降趋势,而电子密度逐渐增加。而且由于进气口和真空泵接口的位置分布产生的气压梯度原因,2个参数的变化在X轴向上都表现得更为强烈。
表面介质阻挡纳秒脉冲放电(nanosecond-pulse surface dielectric barrier discharge,简称NS-DBD)等离子体气动激励是流动分离控制研究中的热点。本文介绍了流动控制中常用NS-DBD激励器的基本特性及研究现状,综述其在机翼分离流和旋涡控制中的研究进展.从理论研究和工程应用的角度,对其发展进行展望。