Scallop is a popular sea food and an important aquaculture shellfish.Identification of genes and genetic variants relating to scallop growth could benefit high-yielding scallop breeding.Myostatin(MSTN) is a conservative regulator of muscle growth,and has become one of the most important target genes for genetic improvement of the production of farmed animals.In this study,four single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) were identified in the 5' flanking region of MSTN gene(Cf MSTN) in Zhikong scallop(Chlamys farreri).The association of these SNPs with scallop growth traits,including shell length,shell height,body weight and striated muscle weight was analyzed.The SNP g-1162G>T was found to associate with shell length,shell height,and striated muscle weight.The TT type scallops showed significantly higher trait values than those of GT type,and the GG type individuals exhibited median values.On the contrary,significantly more Cf MSTN transcripts were detected in the striated muscle of GT type scallops than in those of TT and GG type ones.Our results suggested that Cf MSTN might regulate the scallop muscle growth negatively,and SNP g-1162G>T can be used as a candidate marker for the selective breeding of high-yielding scallop.
FU QiangGUO HuihuiFENG LiyingLI XueZHANG LinglingWANG ShiHU XiaoliBAO Zhenmin
The amphipod crustacean Eogammarus sinensis has useful features that make it suitable for use in the aquaculture of fish and large decapod crustaceans.In this study,we investigated the effects of temperature and salinity on the development,fecundity,survival,and growth rate of E.sinensis.The results show that temperature significantly affected E.sinensis development,but salinity.As temperature increased,the duration of E.sinensis embryonic development decreased.Fecundity was affected significantly by temperature and the combination of temperature and salinity,but by salinity alone.In addition,high temperatures accelerated E.sinensis juvenile growth rates,whereas high salinity reduced it.Therefore,our data suggest that E.sinensis tolerates a wide range of salinities and that temperature has more significant effects than salinity on the embryonic development,fecundity,and growth of E.sinensis.Our results shall be useful for mass production of this species for use in aquaculture.
本研究旨在建立虾夷扇贝的动态能量收支(Dynamic Energy Budget,DEB)数值模型,为进一步构建北方海域虾夷扇贝养殖容量评估模型奠定基础。根据DEB理论,以水温和叶绿素浓度作为强制函数,基于现场及室内实验收集DEB模型参数,针对桑沟湾养殖环境和虾夷扇贝生长的数据,利用STELLA软件构建了虾夷扇贝的DEB模型,以长海县养殖环境和1龄、2龄、3龄虾夷扇贝生长的数据对模型进行验证。模型的模拟结果显示:(1)构建的DEB模型能够很好地模拟虾夷扇贝软体部干重的生长,反映了不同时间的能量分配情况;(2)在桑沟湾,6月1日至9月25日期间水温的限制性强于食物限制;在长海海域,9月15日至次年的6月20日期间食物的限制性强于水温的限制,由此推断,长海海域虾夷扇贝的养殖密度过大,可能超出了海域的养殖容量。另外,敏感性分析结果显示,能量分配系数k以及食物摄食能力参数–最大体表面积吸收率PAM、半饱和常数Xk,对虾夷扇贝生长模拟结果有着较大的影响,例如,PAM提高10%,生长模拟结果可增加13%。因此,这些敏感性较大的参数需要通过室内实验或者现场实验准确测定,谨慎赋值。