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作品数:12 被引量:45H指数:3


  • 12篇中文期刊文章


  • 8篇电子电信
  • 5篇机械工程
  • 5篇理学


  • 4篇激光
  • 4篇激光器
  • 4篇ND:YAG
  • 3篇LASERS
  • 2篇双频
  • 2篇双频激光
  • 2篇双频激光器
  • 2篇自混合干涉
  • 2篇ND:YAG...
  • 2篇SINGLE...
  • 2篇LASER
  • 2篇MICROC...
  • 1篇多模
  • 1篇研究史
  • 1篇双折射
  • 1篇双折射双频激...
  • 1篇跳变
  • 1篇漂移
  • 1篇频率漂移
  • 1篇阈值增益


  • 6篇清华大学


  • 6篇张书练
  • 2篇毛威
  • 1篇朱钧
  • 1篇谈宜东
  • 1篇李岩
  • 1篇任成
  • 1篇张连清
  • 1篇崔柳


  • 6篇Chines...
  • 4篇物理学报
  • 1篇激光与光电子...
  • 1篇应用光学


  • 1篇2009
  • 1篇2008
  • 6篇2007
  • 4篇2006
12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Intensity tuning characteristics of double-mode He-Ne laser with optical feedback
This paper investigates the intensity tuning characteristics of a double longitudinal modes HeiNe laser subjected to optical feedback. The intensity undulations of the total light and the two modes are observed for different external cavity length. Two modulations of the internal cavity length are performed. One is only for the internal cavity length being modulated and the other is for both the internal and the external cavity length being modulated. The undulation frequency of the total light is found to be determined by the ratio of external cavity length to internal cavity length in both modulations. When the external cavity length is integral times of the internal cavity length, the fringe frequency of the total light could be seven or even more times of that in conventional optical feedback. A simple theoretical analysis is presented, which is in good agreement with the experimental results. The potential use of the experimental results is also discussed.
Intensity modulation in single-mode microchip Nd:YAG lasers with asymmetric external cavity被引量:3
Intensity modulation induced by the asymmetric external cavity in single-mode microchip Nd:YAG lasers is prosented. Two kinds of experimental results are discussed based on multiple feedback effects. In one case, the intensity modulation curve is a normal sine wave, whose fringe frequency is four times higher than that of a conventional optical feedback system, caused by multiple feedback effects. In the other case, the intensity modulation curve is the overlapping of the above quadruple-frequency signal and conventional optical feedback signal, which is determined by the additional phase difference induced by the asymmetric external cavity. The theoretical analyses are in good agreement with the experimental results. The quadruple-frequency modulation of the laser output intensity can greatly increase the resolution of displacement measurement of an optical feedback system.
Intensity modulation characters of orthogonally polarized HeNe lasers with different optical feedback level被引量:2
This paper demonstrates the intensity modulation characters of orthogonally polarized HeNe lasers with different optical feedback level generated by the variable reflectivity of external reflector. The modulation depths of the orthogonally polarized frequencies are increased when the optical feedback level becomes strong. It also observes that the modulation amplitudes are different for different external cavity length. Based on the vectorial extension of Lamb's semi-classical theory, it finds that the calculations are consistent with the experimental results.
Optical feedback characteristics in a helium neon laser with a birefringent internal cavity
The output characteristics of optical feedback in a helium neon laser with a birefringent internal cavity are studied systematically in five different regions of the gain curve for the two orthogonally polarized modes. When the laser operates in the two end regions of the laser gain curve, one of the two orthogonally polarized modes will be a leading one in optical feedback. Strong mode competition can be observed. However, when the laser operates in the middle region of the laser gain curve, the two modes can oscillate equally with optical feedback. Besides the intensity of the two polarized lights, the total light intensity is also studied at the same time. M-shaped optical feedback curves are found. Particularly, when the average intensities of the two lights are comparable, the intensity modulation curve of the total light is doubled, which can be used to improve the resolution of an optical feedback system.
研究了一种全新的纳米尺度位移测量系统。将双折射元件插入He-Ne激光器谐振腔内产生频率分裂效应,使原本单模谐振的激光器输出变成了频差可调的2个正交偏振频率(o光和e光),而形成双频激光器。在激光谐振腔外放置沿激光轴线位移的反射表面,将输出的激光束反射回腔内,以便对激光的光强进行调制,可实现高分辨率非接触式可判向位移测量。提出了一种细分方法,该方法突破了传统干涉系统的衍射极限(1/2波长)。对于633 nm波长He-Ne激光,本系统的理想分辨率为1/8波长(约为79 nm)。
Mode hopping in single-mode microchip Nd:YAG lasers induced by optical feedback被引量:1
The mode hopping phenomenon induced by optical feedback in single-mode microchip Nd:YAG lasers is presented. With optical feedback, mode hopping strongly depends on two factors: the ratio of external cavity length to intra-cavity length, and initial gains of the two hopping modes, When external cavity length equals an integral multiple of intracavity length, there is almost no mode hopping. However, if the external cavity length does not equal an integral multiple of intra-cavity length, mode hopping occurs. The ratio of external cavity length to intra-cavity length determines the position of two-mode hopping, The initial gains of the two hopping modes determine the corresponding peak values and oscillating periods of them in the intensity modulation curves.
Strong optical feedback in birefringent dual frequency laser被引量:1
Strong optical feedback in a birefringent dual frequency He-Ne laser with a high reflectivity feedback mirror has been investigated for the first time. The output characteristics of two orthogonally polarized modes are demonstrated in two different optical feedback cases: one is for both modes being fed back and the other is for only one of the modes being fed back. Strong mode competition can be observed between the two modes with strong optical feedback, And when one mode's intensity is near its maximum, the other mode is nearly extinguished. When both modes are fed back into the laser cavity, the mode competition is stronger than when only one mode is fed back, The difference in initial intensity between the two orthogonally polarized modes plays an important role in the mode competition, which has been experimentally and theoretically demonstrated.