The amidoximated polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fiber Fe complexeswere prepared and used as the heterogeneous Fenton catalysts for thedegradation of28 anionicwater soluble azodyes inwater under visible irradiation. The multiple linear regression (MLR) methodwas employed todevelop the quantitative structure property relationship (QSPR) model equations for thedecoloration and mineralization of azodyes. Moreover, the predictive ability of the QSPR model equationswas assessed using Leave-one-out (LOO) and cross-validation (CV) methods. Additionally, the effect of Fe content of catalyst and the sodium chloride inwater on QSPR model equationswere also investigated. The results indicated that the heterogeneous photo-Fentondegradation of the azodyeswithdifferent structureswas conducted in the presence of the amidoximated PAN fiber Fe complex. The QSPR model equations for thedyedecoloration and mineralizationwere successfullydeveloped using MLR technique. MW/S (molecularweightdivided by the number of sulphonate groups) and N N=N (the number of azo linkage) are considered as the most importantdetermining factor for thedyedegradation and mineralization, and there is a significant negative correlation between MW/S or N N=N anddegradation percentage or total organic carbon (TOC) removal. Moreover, LOO and CV analysis suggested that the obtained QSPR model equations have the better prediction ability. The variation in Fe content of catalyst and the addition of sodium chloridedid not alter the nature of the QSPR model equations.