In this paper, the relative orbital configurations of satellites in formation flying with non-perturbation and J2 perturbation are studied, and an orbital elements method is proposed to obtain the relative orbital configurations of satellites in formation. Firstly, under the condition of non-perturbation, we obtain many shapes of relative orbital configurations when the semi-major axes of satellites are equal. These shapes can be lines, ellipses or distorted closed curves. Secondly, on the basis of the analysis of J2 effect on relative orbital configurations, we find out that J2 effect can induce two kinds of changes of relative orbital configurations. They are distortion and drifting, respectively. In addition, when J2 perturbation is concerned, we also find that the semi-major axes of the leading and following satellites should not be the same exactly in order to decrease the J2 effect. The relationship of relative orbital elements and J2 effect is obtained through simulations. Finally, the minimum relation perturbation conditions are established in order to reduce the influence of the J2 effect. The results show that the minimum relation perturbation conditions can reduce the J2 effect significantly when the orbital element differences are small enough, and they can become rules for the design of satellite formation flying.
该文基于L aw den方程分别对圆参考轨道和椭圆参考轨道的卫星理想编队队形设计进行了研究。对于圆参考轨道,通过引入相角概念,简化了多星编队队形设计,并通过理论分析和算例仿真说明:编队队形与初始真近点角的选择无关,且有多组从星运动参数组合满足队形设计要求。对于椭圆参考轨道编队,编队队形的变化与主星的轨道偏心率及编队初始真近点角的选择密切相关,且满足队形要求的从星运动参数组合是惟一的。