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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
A new method for measuring the threshold of stimulated Brillouin scattering
A new method for measuring the threshold of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) based on the generation location of a Stokes beam is proposed for the first time to our knowledge. The length of the medium cell is selected to be longer than the free gain length of pump pulses in the Brillouin medium. The reflected light from a certain mirror in front of the medium cell is chosen as the reference beam, and the SBS threshold is measured by the "jump" of the delay between the Stokes beam and the reference beam. An 8-ns Q-switched single-longitudinal-mode pulse is used as the pump and the typical SBS medium FC-72 is selected as the nonlinear medium in our experiment. The SBS threshold intensity is measured to be 173-178 mW/cm2, which is consistent with existing results measured with the transmitted energy limiting method.
Generation of high-energy 284 ps laser pulse without tail modulation by stimulated Brillouin scattering被引量:2
We obtain the output of a 284 ps pulse duration without tail modulation based on stimulated Brillouin scattering(SBS) pulse compression pumped by an 8 ns-pulse-duration, 1064 nm-wavelength Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. To suppress the tail modulation in SBS pulse compression, proper attenuators, which can control the pump energy within a rational range, are added in a generator-amplifier setup. The experimental result shows that the effective energy conversion efficiency triples when the pump energy reaches 700 m J to 51%, compared with the conventional generator-amplifier setup.
Investigation of stimulated rotational Raman scattering of the high-power broadband laser with applied angular dispersion
Smoothing by spectral dispersion (SSD) leads to considerable improvement on laser-irradiation uniformity in far field for fusion lasers. Phase modulation in time and spectral angular dispersion (SAD) across the beam introduced by SSD will affect the stimulated rotational Raman scattering (SRRS) gain in the near field. This paper focuses on the influence of SAD on SRRS gain under different laser conditions. Results show that the SAD will aggravate the generation of SRRS when the laser initial additional phase is constant. On the contrary, the SAD can reduce the SRRS gain if appropriate SSD parameters are adopted when the laser initial additional phase is variable. SSD has a certain application prospect in SRRS suppression.
The influence of smoothing by spectral dispersion on the beam characteristics in the near field
The influences of SSD on the beam characteristics in the near held are investigated. Results snow that it the SSD parameters are increased, the laser intensity modulation increases while fluence modulation decreases, which is attributed to the temporal and spatial variation of the SSD pulse phase. The variations of intensity and fluence modulations with the SSD parameters are given. The simulation results are presented along with a method for choosing appropriate SSD parameters according to the variations and the requirements of applications.
建立了受激布里渊散射介质中热作用破坏的物理模型,数值模拟了杂质颗粒的温度随其半径的变化曲线.结果显示,杂质颗粒存在一个最大热作用半径,介质所含颗粒的尺寸在此半径附近时,介质最容易发生光学击穿现象,其光学击穿阈值最低.在Continuum Nd:YAG种子注入式激光系统中,选取FC-3283,GF-180和HFE-7100介质,通过不同孔径的过滤膜进行过滤,并研究了过滤前后的光学击穿阈值和能量反射率.结果表明,随着过滤孔径的变小,介质光学击穿阈值逐渐提高,且过滤之后介质的能量反射率有了明显的提高.介绍了一种利用He-Ne激光透射光光斑变化来判断是否发生光学击穿现象的方法,该方法具有方便、准确的特点,可有效地减小由于肉眼观测引起的误差.
Characteristics of perfluorinated amine media for stimulated Brillouin scattering in hundreds of picoseconds pulse compression at 532 nm被引量:1
The characteristics of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in perfluorinated amine media and the experimental structure used in hundreds of picoseconds pulse compression at 532 nm are demonstrated. A two-stage SBS pulse compression structure is adopted for this work. The compact double-cell SBS compression structure and the scattering media FC-70 are chosen to compress the incident light from 9.5 to about 1 ns in the first stage. Then, the light is used as the pumping source for the second pulse compression. In the second stage, using a single-cell SBS structure in a pulse compression system, perfluorinated amine media with different phonon lifetimes, such as FC-3283, FC-40, FC-43, and FC-70, are chosen to run the comparative experimental study. The narrowest com- pressed pulse times obtained are 294, 274, 277, and 194 ps; they respectively correspond to the above listed media. The average width of the compressed pulse width is 320 ps for FC-3283, with a fluctuation range of 87 ps. For FC-40, the average pulse width is 320 ps, with a fluctuation range of 72 ps. And for FC-43, the average pulse width is 335 ps, with a fluctuation range of 88 ps. However, the average pulse width is only 280 ps for FC- 70, with a fluctuation range of 57 ps. The highest energy reflectivity is more than 80% for all of the media. The experimental results show that a two-stage SBS pulse compression system has lower pump energy requirements, thus making it easier to achieve a compressed pulse waveform. The results also show that the shorter the phonon lifetime of the medium, the narrower the obtained compressed pulse width.
Small-scale self-focusing of 200 ps laser pulses in Brillouin amplification被引量:1
Brillouin amplification is a new method to obtain high power hundred-picosecond laser pulses for shock ignition. The laser pulse's intensity can be amplified to 10 GW/cm^2 through this method. In order to determine the near-field quality, the relationship between the Brillouin amplification gain and the B integral in the stimulated Brillouin scattering(SBS) energy transfer process was studied, and numerical simulations and calculations were carried out to explain the process. For achieving an output intensity of 10 GW/cm^2 under the condition that the effect of small–scale self-focusing is insignificant in the Brillouin amplification, the influence of the configuration parameters on the Brillouin amplification and the B integral was investigated. The results showed that the 10 GW/cm^2 high power output can be obtained by optimizing the intensities of the pump and Stokes light and choosing an appropriate SBS medium.
Hundred-Joule-level,nanosecond-pulse Nd:glass laser system with high spatiotemporal beam quality被引量:3
A 100-J-level Nd:glass laser system in nanosecond-scale pulse width has been constructed to perform as a standard source of high-fluence-laser science experiments. The laser system, operating with typical pulse durations of 3–5 ns and beam diameter 60 mm, employs a sequence of successive rod amplifiers to achieve 100-J-level energy at 1053 nm at3 ns. The frequency conversion can provide energy of 50-J level at 351 nm. In addition to the high stability of the energy output, the most valuable of the laser system is the high spatiotemporal beam quality of the output, which contains the uniform square pulse waveform, the uniform flat-top spatial fluence distribution and the uniform flat-top wavefront.
Sensen LiYulei WangZhiwei LuLei DingYi ChenPengyuan DuDexin BaZhenxing ZhengXin WangHang YuanChengyu ZhuWeiming HeDianyang LinYongkang DongDengwang ZhouZhenxu BaiZhaohong LiuCan Cui