Purpose: Applying SSCI journals of library and information science (LIS) as the research sample, we explore the feasibility of measuring academic journals' yearly social impact by using altmetric indicators. Design/methodology/approach: Using a sample of 66 SSCI joumals in LIS published in 2013, statistics regarding journal mentions in social media and other online tools were retrieved from Altmetric.com and meanwhile citation data was also collected from JCR and Scopus. Based on the method of principal component analysis, data was analyzed for associations between the altmetric and traditional metrics to demonstrate the effect ofaltmetric indicators on measuring academic j oumals' yearly impact. Findings: The Spearman's rank correlation test results show that altmetric indicators and traditional citation counts were significantly correlated, indicating that altmetrics can be used to measure a journal's yearly social impact. Research limitations: The time frame of data collected from Altmetric.com may not be consistent with that of JCR and Scopus citation data. Practical implications: A new method is provided based on altmetrics for evaluating the social impact of academic journals, which can be applied to design new indicators of short-term journal impact. Originality value: In this paper, we have established a method for evaluating the social impact of academic journals based on altmetric indictors. Altmetrics can be complementary to traditional citation metrics in assessing a journal's impact within a year or even in a shorter period of time.
Purpose: To comprehensively evaluate the overall performance of a group or an individual in both bibliometrics and patentometrics. Design/methodology/approach: Trace metrics were applied to the top 30 universities in the2014 Academic Ranking of World Universities(ARWU) — computer sciences, the top 30 ESI highly cited papers in the computer sciences field in 2014, as well as the top 30 assignees and the top 30 most cited patents in the National Bureau of Economic Research(NBER) computer hardware and software category.Findings: We found that, by applying trace metrics, the research or marketing impact efficiency, at both group and individual levels, was clearly observed. Furthermore, trace metrics were more sensitive to the different publication-citation distributions than the average citation and h-index were.Research limitations: Trace metrics considered publications with zero citations as negative contributions. One should clarify how he/she evaluates a zero-citation paper or patent before applying trace metrics.Practical implications: Decision makers could regularly examinine the performance of their university/company by applying trace metrics and adjust their policies accordingly.Originality/value: Trace metrics could be applied both in bibliometrics and patentometrics and provide a comprehensive view. Moreover, the high sensitivity and unique impact efficiency view provided by trace metrics can facilitate decision makers in examining and adjusting their policies.
本文利用Web of Science数据库,构建出数学、电化学、信息计量学和传播学4个领域的高频共关键词网络。用于反映领域核心知识。此类网络以关键词为节点,当两个关键词用于同一论文中时就形成节点之间的连接。核心/边缘分析和网络分析参数表明核心关键词数量增长速度低于关键词总量增速。依据核心关键词表达核心知识概念的逻辑,推论特定知识领域中稳定的核心概念及其共现网络反映了该领域相对稳定的核心知识及其结构。
Background information is provided about the Web 2.0 related term altmetrics. This term is placed in the context of the broader field of informetrics. The term influmetrics is proposed as a better term for altmetrics. The importance of considering research products and not just scientific publications is highlighted. Issues related to peer review and making funding decisions within a multi-metric approach are discussed and brought in relation with the new metrics field.