利用中国历次北极科学考察航次在白令海北部陆坡及海盆等深水区所采集的沉积物样品,对其开展沉积学等研究,系统归纳该海域常见的异常沉积类型及特征,并初步探讨其可能成因。BR02孔出现至少3段浊积层,浊积层主要分布于末次冰消期至中全新世。B5-4孔存在至少2段火山碎屑沉积层,其沉积年代分别约为1.3 ka BP和13.2 ka BP。B5-7站表层沉积物中的硅藻组合以新近系硅藻化石Kisseleviella carina Sheshukova-Poretzkaya和Kisseleviella ezoensis Akib为主,且与附近海域其他表层沉积物的硅藻组合面貌差异明显,可能是沉积物再沉积结果,其初始沉积年代大约为早中新世。白令海北部陆缘/陆坡区附近遍布的海底大峡谷对该区沉积物沉积过程具有重要影响,可能是导致该区浊流沉积与再沉积物的主要原因。此外,白令海位于欧亚板块、太平洋板块及北美板块交汇区边缘,其独特的地理位置决定该区地震与火山等构造活动相对活跃,进而进一步促使该区海底异常沉积现象频发。
Two sediment cores, KCES1 and ODP797,which were recovered from the Sea of Japan(JS), were measured for alkenone-derived sea surface temperatures(UK037-SSTs). Our results revealed that the SSTs closely follow the glacial-interglacial cycles during the last 170 ka,except in the last glacial maximum(LGM), during which the SST was higher than in the Holocene. The anomalous high temperature in the LGM is considered as an effect of the intrusion of a low salinity water mass into the JS when the sea level was almost below 130 m. On the glacialinterglacial to orbital timescale, the UK037-SSTs record in the JS correlated well with the benthic foraminiferal d18 O record and solar insolation, which suggests the dominant control of solar insolation and its related sea ice development on the SST in the JS. On the sub-orbital/millennial timescale, reduced SST corresponds to an enhanced east asian winter monsoon(EAWM) during the last glacial period(MIS3 and MIS4), indicating the dominant control of sea ice expansion due to the enhanced EAWM on the SST in the JS. In contrast, during the last interglacial period(MIS5), the SST in the JS was controlled by variations in the east Asian summer monsoon. These results highlight the key role of solar insolation and associated glacialinterglacial conditions in the variations of the SST in the JS since the last 170 ka.
Yanguang LiuJiaojie ChenJinxia ChenLei XingJianjun ZouZhengquan Yao
Measurements of gaseous elemental mercury(Hg^0) in the marine boundary layer of the western Bering Sea were performed using an automatic mercury analyzer RA 915 +(Ltd. "Lumex", St. Petersburg, Russia) aboard the Russian research vessel Academician M.A.Lavrentev from 3 to 20 August 2013. Hg^0 concentrations varied from 0.3 to 2.1 ng/m^3(n = 4783);the average value(1.1 ± 0.3 ng/m^3) was lower than both the background range of the Northern Hemisphere(1.5–1.7 ng/m^3) and average values previously observed in the Bering Sea, and corresponded to the background concentrations of the Southern Hemisphere(1.1–1.3 ng/m^3).Maximum Hg^0 concentrations were observed within air masses that came from the lower troposphere of the central Arctic. Under these conditions, Hg^0 ranged between 1.1 and 2.1 ng/m^3 with an average of 1.5 ± 0.2 ng/m^3(n = 1183). Except for these periods, Hg^0 concentrations during the rest of the study varied from 0.3 to 1.8 ng/m^3, with an average value of 1.0 ± 0.2 ng/m^3(n = 3600). Our results support the hypothesis that, in the summer, air masses from the central Arctic Ocean can be an exporter of mercury to lower latitudes. Perhaps the atmospheric transport of elevated concentrations of Hg^0 into lower latitudes may have implications for the biologic and economic health of important fisheries, such as the Bering Sea.
对白令海北部陆坡B5-4孔进行了古地磁和岩石磁学研究,尝试获得该岩芯的地磁场相对强度和方向变化信息.结果表明:(1)除0~0.44m沉积物的磁性矿物粒度比其余沉积物细以外,岩芯的磁学性质总体均一,其记录的地磁场相对强度可以与北大西洋ODP983孔相应记录进行高度对比.(2)根据B5-4孔与ODP983孔地磁场相对强度记录对比结果,并结合该孔4.54~4.56 m处有孔虫AMS14C测年结果,可以确定3个深度-年龄对比点,并据此初步建立了B5-4孔的年龄模型.(3)B5-4孔磁偏角和磁倾角记录与贝加尔湖、北美、欧洲全新世以来的记录和当地地磁场球谐模型结果一致,其对比点丰富了强度对比点年龄模型,揭示了14 cal ka B.P.以来近线性的沉积模式.(4)根据与中国东部陆架两个钻孔的磁倾角对比,我们推测B5-4孔9~14 ka之间两段浅化的磁倾角可能是哥德堡极性事件的记录,但是受到早期成岩或者沉积物平滑效应的影响.以上结果足以证明,地磁场相对强度和方向变化可以从适宜的白令海沉积物中获得,它可以为确定该海区沉积物年龄提供相关辅助信息,有助于解决北极、亚北极古环境和古海洋研究中由于有孔虫等钙质生物壳体缺乏导致的年龄信息匮乏问题.