In order to understand morphological adaptation of aphids to related host plants, morphological variations of ...
Yan Fang,Ge-Xia Qiao~* and Guang-Xue Zhang Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution,Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China
研究了中国烟管蚜属Vesiculaphis del Guercio,该属隶属于蚜科Aphididae蚜亚科Aphidinae长管蚜族Macrosiphini,中国已知两种:番木瓜烟管蚜Vesiculaphis caricis(Fullaway)和中国新纪录种,马醉木烟管蚜V.pieridis Basu。文中提供了中国物种分种检索表,对新纪录种提供了不同生物型的形态记述、特征图和照片,包括1个兼有无翅孤雌蚜和有翅孤雌蚜性状的特殊个体的描记。研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆和英国自然历史博物馆.
Identification of aphid species is always difficult due to the shortage of easily distinguishable morphological characters. Aphid genus Toxoptera consists of species with similar morphology and similar to Aphis in most morphological characters except the stridulatory apparatus. DNA barcodes with 1 145 bp sequences of partial mitoehondrial cytochrome-coxidase I (COI) genes were used for accurate identification of Toxoptera. Results indicated mean intraspecific sequence divergences were 1.33%, whereas mean interspecific divergences were greater at 8.29% (0.13% and 7.79% if T. aurantii 3 and T. aurantii 4 are cryptic species). Sixteen samples were distinguished to four species correctly by COI barcodes, which implied that DNA barcoding was successful in discrimination of aphid species with similar morphology. Phylogenetic relationships among species of this genus were tested based on this portion of COI sequences. Four species of Toxoptera assembled a clade with low support in maximum-parsimony (MP) analysis, maximumlikelihood (ML) analysis and Bayesian phylogenetic trees, the genus Toxoptera was not monophyletic, and there were two sister groups, such as T. citricidus and T. victoriae, and two clades of T. aurantii which probably presented cryptic species in the genus.
记述了分布于山西省庞泉沟自然保护区的中国蚜科Aphididae长管蚜亚科Macrosiphinae 1新种和1新亚种,即夏微管蚜Brachycolus aestivus Zhang,Qiao et Zhang,sp.nov.,静细长蚜山西亚种Tenuilongiaphis stata shanxiensis Zhang,Li et Zhang,ssp.nov.。研究标本现保存于山西农业大学农学院蚜虫研究室和中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆。
Association of aphid life stages based on a portion of COI sequence was applied in Eriosomatini. Three aphid specimens, nos. 17496, 19265a, and 19265b collected on Gramineae roots all clustered with Tetraneura chinensis Mordvilko with strong support. The average pairwise p-distance among the four taxa was 0.001 (range, 0.000-0.002), and that among all the ingroup taxa was 0.065 (range, 0.000-0.141). This indicated that nos. 17496 and 19265 b were the secondary-host morphs of T. chinensis. In this paper the secondary host morph of T. chinensis is described for the first time. With the identification of more species' secondary-host morphs, aphids identification based on this morph will be made easily.