A multi-finger structure power SiGe HBT device (with an emitter area of about 166μm^2) is fabricated with very simple 2μm double-mesa technology. The DC current gain β is 144.25. The B-C junction breakdown voltage reaches 9V with a collector doping concentration of 1 × 10^17cm^-3 and a collector thickness of 400nm. Though our data are influenced by large additional RF probe pads, the device exhibits a maximum oscillation frequency fmax of 10.1GHz and a cut-off frequency fτ of 1.8GHz at a DC bias point of IC=10mA and VCE = 2.5V.
A large area multi-finger configuration power SiGe HBT device (with an emitter area of about 880μm^2) was fabricated with 2μm double-mesa technology. The maximum DC current gain β is 214. The BVCEO is up to 10V,and the BVCBO is up to 16V with a collector doping concentration of 1 × 10^17cm^-3 and collector thickness of 400nm. The device exhibits a maximum oscillation frequency fmax of 19. 3GHz and a cut-off frequency fT of 18.0GHz at a DC bias point of Ic = 30mA and VCE = 3V.MSG (maximum stable gain) is 24.5dB,and U (Mason unilateral gain) is 26.6dB at 1GHz. Due to the novel distribution layout, no notable current gain fall-off or thermal effects are observed in the I-V characteristics at high collector current.
A SiGe/Si multi-quantum wells resonant-cavity-enhanced(RCE) detector with high reflectivity bottom mirror is fabricated by a new method.The bottom mirror is deposited in the hole,which is etched from the backside of the sample by ethylenediamine-pyrocatechol-water(EPW) solution with the buried SiO 2 layer in SOI substrate as the etching-stop layer.Reflectivity spectrum indicates that the mirror deposited in the hole has a reflectivity as high as 99% in the range of 1.2~1.5μm.The peak responsivity of the RCE detector at 1.344μm is 1.2mA/W and the full width at half maximum is 12nm.Compared with the conventional p-i-n photodetector,the responsivity of RCE detector is enhanced 8 times.