In this paper, using the characteristic analysis method, we study the relativistic Euler equations of conservation laws in energy and momentum in special relativity. The interactions of elementary waves for the relativistic Euler equations are shown. The collision of two shocks, two centered rarefaction waves, a shock and a rarefaction wave yield corresponding ransmitted waves. The overtaking of two shocks appears a transmitted shock wave, together with a reflected centered rarefaction wave.
This paper studies the interaction of elementary waves including delta-shock waves on two boundaries for a hyperbolic system of conservation laws. The solutions of the initialboundary value problem for the system are constructively obtained. In the problem the initialboundary data are in piecewise constant states.
This paper is concerned with Godunov's scheme for the initial-boundary value problem of scalar conservation laws. A kind of Godunov's scheme, which satisfies the boundary entropy condition, was given. By use of the scheme, numerical simulation for the weak entropy solution to the initial-boundary value problem of scalar conservation laws is conducted.
The WENO method, RKDG method, RKDG method with original ghost fluid method, and RKDG method with modified ghost fluid method are applied to singlemedium and two-medium air-air, air-liquid compressible flows with high density and pressure ratios: We also provide a numerical comparison and analysis for the above methods. Numerical results show that, compared with the other methods, the RKDG method with modified ghost fluid method can obtain high resolution results and the correct position of the shock, and the computed solutions are converged to the physical solutions as themesh is refined.
In this paper, a simplest scalar nonconvex ZND combustion model with viscosity is considered. The existence of the global solution of the Riemann problem for the combustion model is obtained by using the fixed point theorem.
The Riemann problems for the Euler system of conservation laws of energy and momentum in special relativity as pressure vanishes are considered. The Riemann solutions for the pressureless relativistic Euler equations are obtained constructively. There are two kinds of solutions, the one involves delta shock wave and the other involves vacuum. The authors prove that these two kinds of solutions are the limits of the solutions as pressure vanishes in the Euler system of conservation laws of energy and momentum in special relativity.
A two-dimensional non-selfsimilar initial value problem for adhesion particle dynamics with two pieces of constant states separated by a circular ring is considered. By using the generalized characteristic method and the generalized Rankine-Hugoniot relation, which is a system of ordinary equations, the global solution which includes delta-shock waves and vacuum is constructed.
In this paper, a three-parameter family of self-similar and weak solutions are constructed rigorously in two space dimensions for all positive time to the Euler equations with axisymmetric and radial negative initial velocity for the Chaplygin gas. Under the axisymmetry and self-similar assumptions, the equations are reduced to a system of three ordinary differential equations, from which we obtain structures of solutions besides their existence. The solutions exhibit some phenomena, such as formation and evolution of black hole, expansion and explosive expansion, in the evolution of universe.