An ion flux dropout near the dipolarization front(DF) at around XGSM=-11 REin the Earth's plasma sheet was observed by Time History of Events and Macroscale Interaction during substorms(THEMIS) on March31, 2009. The ion differential energy fluxes at energies from 450 e V to 150 ke V measured by the ESA and SST instruments from THC began to decrease about 2 s before the detection of the DF and reached a local minimum 6 s later. Then, the ion fluxes gradually increased to form a dropout around the DF. The spatial extent of the dropout was about 4,000 km. For energies above 20 ke V, the ion fluxes after the dropout are greater than those before it,contrary to the fluxes at energies below 20 ke V. The associated ion density variation indicates that the ion flux dropout coincides with the ion density dropout. Taking advantage of multipoint observations, THD, THC, and THE detected the same DF consecutively. Only THC detected an obvious ion flux dropout; THD observed an indistinct one about 2 s before THC; no high-energy(E [ 30 ke V) ion flux dropout was observed by THE. Our study suggests that the ion flux dropout may evolve withthe earthward-propagating DF, and its properties can depend on locations relative to the DF.
Xueling ShiTao ChenLingqian ZhangSuping DuanJiang LiuZhaohai He
在地球磁层顶附近观测到的通量传输事件(Flux Transfer Event,FTE)—般被认为是瞬态局域磁重联的产物,是太阳风质量、动量和能量进入地球内磁层的重要通道.重构FTE的磁场结构可促进对其形成、演化过程及其与周围等离子体环境相互作用的理解.Grad-Shafranov重构法和磁通量绳拟合法等传统磁场重构方法适用于满足特定物理条件的磁场结构.基于平面线性插值原理,设计了一种不受具体物理条件限定的二维FTE磁场结构重构法.模型测试以及对THEMIS和Cluster卫星簇分别观测到的两个FTE的实际应用表明,在合适的多卫星位形条件下,该方法能快速有效重构出FTE的磁场空间分布,有助于推测FTE的磁场线位形,理解卫星测量数据的时间变化,以及分析等离子体物理量相对于FTE的磁场空间分布特征.
磁层顶通量传输事件(Flux Transfer Event,FTE)与磁重联相关,其典型特征为磁场法向分量的双极变化.在不同FTE模型里,FTE结构可能为重联的通量管、由多X线重联形成的闭合磁通量绳或者由单X线重联形成的开放磁场环,从而在磁层顶有不同的整体位形.使用一种新的轴向分析方法,对Cluster在一个向阳面磁层顶穿越季观测到的505个FTE进行统计研究.结果表明:在磁层顶中低纬度的侧翼,大多数FTE轴向均为沿磁层磁力线方向即南北方向,少数FTE轴向沿着不同于磁层磁力线方向的东西方向;在高纬磁层顶,大多数FTE轴向沿东西方向,少数FTE轴向沿着磁层磁力线方向即南北方向.这些统计特征有助于重新认识FTE的全球形态.
High-energy electron precipitation in the high latitude regions enhances the ionization of the atmosphere,and subsequently increases the atmospheric conductivities and the vertical electric field of the atmosphere near the ground as well.The High-Energy Electron Flux(HEEF) data measured by the Fengyun-3 meteorological satellite are analyzed together with the data of nearsurface atmospheric vertical electric field measured at the Russian Vostok Station.Three HEEF enhancements are identified and it is shown that when the HEEF increases to a certain level,the local atmospheric vertical electric field near the ground can increase substantially than usual.The response time of the electric field to HEEF enhancement is about 3.7 to 4 days.
LI RenkangCHEN TaoLUO JingZHOU LiminHE ZhaohaiWANG ChunqinSUN Yueqiang