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作品数:6 被引量:21H指数:3


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  • 2篇理学


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  • 7篇2010
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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
何飞张效信陈波Mei-Ching Fok
Gyroresonance Between Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves and Particles in a Multi-ion Plasma被引量:1
The gyroresonant interaction between electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves and energetic particles was studied in a multi-ion (H^+, He^+, and O^+) plasma. The minimum resonant energy Emin, resonant wave frequency w, and pitch angle diffusion coefficient Daa were calculated at the center location of the symmetrical ring current: r ≈3.5RE with RE the Earth's radius. Emin is found to decrease rapidly from 10 MeV to a few keV with the increase in ca in three bands: H^+-band, He^+-band and O^+-band. Moreover, EMIC waves have substantial potential to scatter energetic (~100 keV) ions (mainly H^+ and He^+) into the loss cone and yield precipitation loss, suggesting that wave-particle interactions contribute to ring current decay.
Effect of Chorus Latitudinal Distribution on Evolution of Outer Radiation Belt Electrons
Primary result on the impact of the latitudinal distribution of whistler-mode chorus upon temporal evolution of the phase space density (PSD) of outer radiation belt energetic electrons was presented. We evaluate diffusion rates in pitch angle and momentum due to a band of chorus frequency distributed at a standard Gaussian spectrum, and solve a 2-D bounce-averaged momentum-pitch-angle Fokker-Planck equation at L = 4.5. It is shown that chorus is effective in accelerating electrons and can increase PSD for energy of ~1 MeV by a factor of 10 or more in about one day, which is consistent with observation. Moreover, the latitudinal distribution of chorus has a great impact on the acceleration of electrons. As the latitudinal distribution increases, the efficient acceleration region extends from higher pitch angles to lower pitch angles, and even covers the entire pitch angle region when chorus power reaches the maximum latitude λm = 45°.
Calculation of the extreme ultraviolet radiation of the earth's plasmasphere被引量:4
The dynamic global core plasma model(DGCPM) is used in this paper to calculate the He+ density distribution of the Earth's plasmasphere and to investigate the configurations and 30.4 nm radiation properties of the plasmasphere.Validation comparisons between the simulation results and IMAGE mission observations show:That the equatorial structure of the plasmapause is mainly located near 5.5 RE and the typical scale of plasmasphere shrinking or expansion within 10 min is approximately 0.1 RE;that the plasmaspheric shoulders are formed and rotate noon-ward from the dawn sector under the conditions of strong southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field(IMF);that the plasmaspheric plumes will rotate dawn-ward from the night sector and become narrow for the southward turning of the IMF.The simulated images from the lunar orbit show that the plasmasphere locating within the geocentric distance of 5.5 RE corresponds to field of view(FOV) of 10.7°×10.7° for the moon-based EUV imager,and that the 30.4 nm radiation intensity of the plasmasphere is 0.1-11.4 R.The plasmaspheric shoulders and plumes locating toward the moon-side are for the first time simulated with typical scale level of 0.1 RE from the side view of the moon.These simulated results provide an important theoretical basis for the lunar-based EUV camera design.
FOK Mei-Ching
A Three-Dimensional Asymmetric Magnetopause Model
A new three-dimensional asymmetric magnetopause model has been developed for corrected GSM coordinates and par...
R. L. Lin1,2 X. X. Zhang3 S. Q. Liu1 Y. L. Wang4 J. C. Gong1 1Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 2Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 3 National Center for Space Weather, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, China 4 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Latest progress on interactions between VLF/ELF waves and energetic electrons in the inner magnetosphere被引量:8
Interactions between very/extremely low frequency (VLF/ELF) waves and energetic electrons play a fundamental role in dynamics occurring in the inner magnetosphere. Here, we briefly discuss global properties of VLF/ELF waves, along with the variability of the electron radiation belts associated with wave-particle interactions and radial diffusion. We provide cases of electron loss and acceleration as a result of wave-particle interactions primarily due to such waves, and particularly some preliminary results of 3D evolution of phase space density from our currently developing 3D code. We comment on the existing mechanisms responsible for acceleration and loss, and identify several critical issues that need to be addressed. We review latest progress and suggest open questions for future investigation.
XIAO FuLiang1,2, ZONG QiuGang3, SU ZhenPeng4, TIAN Tian3 & ZHENG HuiNan4 1 School of Physics and Electronic Sciences, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410004, China
何飞张效信陈波FOK Mei-Ching
本文收集了1226个来自Cluster、Geotail、GOES、IMP8、Interball、LANL、Polar、TCl、THEMIS和Wind卫星磁层顶穿越事例,并主要利用时间推移使上游行星际磁场clock angle或等离子体变化特征与磁鞘中的相吻合方法为这些数据配对上来自ACE或Wind卫星5 min平均值太阳风数据.通过对这些数据以及网上公布的1482个Hawkeye卫星磁层顶穿越点数据分析研究,发现:(1)高纬磁层顶在极隙区存在内凹结构,其内凹范围比较大;(2)磁层顶内凹位置明显受地磁偶极倾角控制,最内凹点所对应的天顶角和地磁偶极倾角大致呈线性关系,这种关系在南北半球大致呈反对称;(3)磁层顶内凹深度、内凹范围以及内凹中心不变纬度基本不受地磁偶极倾角影响.