长江中游地区是中部崛起的战略重点区,也是上游连接西部生态脆弱区下游连接长三角地区的生态重点区。开展长江中游战略环境影响评价需明确评价的重点区域、重点行业和重点生态环境问题。运用经济统计数据、污染物普查数据和国家、地区发展规划,采用ROST Word Parser词频分析法、ARCGIS空间分析法,分析长江中游地区战略环境影响评价重点关注区域及行业。基于SCI-EXPANDED、CPCI-S、CCR-EXPANDED、IC数据库和中国知网期刊数据库,利用Citespace文献分析法得到区域重点关注的生态环境问题。结果表明:长江中游地区战略环境影响评价的重点关注区集中分布于城镇密集区和沿江、环湖带以及周边山区;重点关注行业集中于装备制造、化工、采矿、能源、食品、纺织服装业;重点关注的生态环境问题是流域水环境和水生态、重金属污染、土壤和湿地破坏、有机物污染以及生物多样性等问题。
Based on the exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) technique and geographic information system (GIS) platform, with statistic data of counties in 2005, this paper confirms that there is a large population density gap between counties in 2005 because the Gini coefficient is 0.55. Population distribution does not change a lot during the past decades, and the southeast China is still much more densely populated than the northwest China. The global spa- tial autoeorrelation of population distribution is obvious because Moran's I scores 0.42 and local spatial autocorrelation is partly significant. Climate and elevation are still the main natural influ- encing factors. Meanwhile industrial structure and transportation significantly influence population distribution. Different combinations of natural factors have different effects on population distribution. For a long term, climate and terrain factor stability affect population distribution. But its influence will be weakened by progress of technology. Economic development is the main factor that changes population distribution for a short term.