The notion of"Queen's English",depending on who is the ruler of the time,could be traced back to the sixteenth century,when the idea that the monarch's usage of the language should be a model in speech and writing.That is where the"Elizabethan English" originated from.From the linguistic point of view,Elizabethan English is categorized into Early Modern English,which dominantly spanned the Renaissance,Elizabethan era and Shakespeare.On a smaller scale,this paper focused upon language itself,trying to exemplify the rise of Elizabethan Language from the second half of 16th century to the outset of 17th century by presenting two factors of self-consciousness and the relevant policy.
Learning English is quite different from learning Chinese.Grammar consciousness is a very different type of knowledge from the ability to describe the sentence a speaker produces in terms of grammar.The passage explores the relationship between grammar consciousness and English learning and suggests that teachers attach great importance to the overall increase in students' language sensitivity and grammar awareness.
Elizabeth I played a significant role within the historical development of the Great Britain and additionally,within the relevant linguistic development of Early Modern English.During her reign,linguistic changes emerged in pronunciation,spelling,lexicon and syntax.Correspondingly,roles of the Bible and Shakespeare,two linguistic monuments of this golden age,were evaluated in this paper.