An analysis of a 20-year summer time simulation of present-day climate (1989-2008) over China using four regional climate models coupled with different land surface models is carried out. The climatic means, interannual variability, linear trends, and extremes are examined, with focus on precipitation and near surface air temperature. The models are able to reproduce the basic features of the observed summer mean precipitation and temperature over China and the regional detail due to topographic forcing. Overall, the model performance is better for temperature than that of precipitation. The models reasonably grasp the major anomalies and standard deviations over China and the five subregions studied. The models generally reproduce the spatial pattern of high interannual variability over wet regions, and low varia- bility over the dry regions. The models also capture well the variable temperature gradient increase to the north by latitude. Both the observed and simulated linear trend of precipitation shows a drying tendency over the Yangtze River Basin and wetting over South China. The models capture well the relatively small temperature trends in large areas of China. The models reasonably simulate the characteristics of extreme precipitation indices of heavy rain days and heavy precipitation fraction. Most of the models also performed well in capturing both the sign and magnitude of the daily maximum and minimum tempera- tures over China.
By using the global atmospheric general circulation model CAM4.0 including an urban canopy parameterization scheme,the possible impacts of large-scale urbanization in East China on East Asian winter monsoon was investigated via idealized numerical experiments.Results suggest that large-scale urbanization can cause a significant warming effect in both surface temperature and air temperature near the surface over most areas of East China.Meanwhile,large-scale urbanization also alters the surface energy balance,causing evident increases in net surface long-wave radiation and sensible heat flux as well as intensified surface thermal heating to the atmosphere.Forced by the surface thermal heating anomalies induced by the large-scale urban expansion,East Asian winter monsoon circulation exhibits distinct changes.Overall,the extensive urbanization over East China will weaken East Asian winter monsoon,but intensify winter monsoon in northeast China.