介绍了爬壁动物的运动附着与仿生。动物用来实现在壁面上附着的器官主要有足爪、光滑爪垫和刚毛爪垫。在粗糙表面上动物使用足爪附着,基于机械内锁合的附着机制。在相对光滑的表面上,动物则使用光滑足垫或刚毛足垫实现附着。光滑足垫是基于毛细吸附的附着机制,称为湿黏附;刚毛足垫主要是基于van der Waals力的附着机制,称为干黏附。爬壁机器人主要有生物机器人和仿生爬壁机器人两种,都是基于爬壁动物的附着机制的仿生应用。
Many animals exhibit strong mechanical interlocking in order to achieve efficient climbing against rough surfaces by using their claws in the pads. To maximally use the mechanical interlocking, an innovative robot which utilizes flexible pad with claws is designed. The mechanism for attachments of the claws against rough surfaces is further revealed according to the theoretical analysis. Moreover, the effects of the key parameters on the performances of the climbing robots are obtained. It indicates that decreasing the size of the tip of the claws while maintaining its stiffness unchanged can effectively improve the attachment ability. Furthermore, the structure of robot body and two foot trajectories are proposed and the new robot is presented. Using experimental tests, it demonstrates that this robot has high stability and adaptability while climbing on vertical rough surfaces up to a speed of 4.6 cm.s^-1.
Aihong JiZhihui ZhaoPoramate ManoonpongWei WangGuangming ChenZhendong Dai