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内蒙古锡林浩特草原GLASS LAI产品的真实性检验被引量:12
结合内蒙古锡林浩特草原区域的实地测量数据和Landsat TM高分辨率遥感数据,对两景GLASS LAI产品进行真实性检验,同时以MODIS LAI产品为比照。结果表明:①GLASS LAI产品和MODIS LAI产品均高估,其中7月中旬GLASS LAI产品高估约11%,其高估的程度明显小于MODIS LAI(高估约36%),而8月末两者高估的程度相似;②GLASS LAI产品与Landsat TM反演LAI产品有较好的一致性,两期数据的决定系数R2分别达到0.72和0.58,优于MODIS LAI产品(0.61和0.27);③GLASS LAI和MODIS LAI两个产品的误差主要来自于模型的准确性,真实性检验中数据定量化误差小于5%。结论表明:GLASS LAI产品数据在锡林浩特草原区域的观测精度和一致性都优于MODIS LAI产品数据,更适用于相关研究。
基于高光谱遥感图像数据的大气参数反演和一体化辐射校正具有重要研究意义和应用价值。首先,通过6S模型辐射传输计算分析了EO-1/Hyperion遥感影像在940和1 130nm附近水汽吸收区域的光谱吸收特点。其次,采用两通道比值法和三通道比值法,比较了不同波段组合的大气含水量高光谱遥感反演精度并进行了敏感性分析,模拟实验结果表明采用三波段比值算法的相关系数和均方根误差均优于对应的两波段算法。最后,利用张掖地区2008年3景EO-1Hyperion高光谱遥感影像,反演了大气含水量,并与地基CE-318太阳分光光度计测量数据进行对比验证,结果表明:1 124nm水汽吸收通道反演精度优于940nm,两通道和三通道比值法的均方根误差分别为0.369和0.128g/cm2,三通道比值方法优于两通道比值方法,与地面观测结果一致。
由于大气吸收和散射等大气辐射传输影响,叶绿素荧光卫星遥感反演存在很大的困难和挑战。本文利用日本温室气体观测卫星GOSAT的TANSO-FTS超光谱数据,选取770 nm附近受大气影响较弱的KI夫琅和费暗线,借助KPNO2010高分辨率太阳辐照度光谱,设计了加权最小二乘拟合的叶绿素荧光卫星反演算法,利用矩阵的谱条件数确定了算法中KI吸收线所采用的权重系数,获得了中国区域2010年1月至2011年6月的叶绿素荧光数据。并利用TANSO-CAI云标识数据剔除了受云影响的反演结果,并按照2°×2°格网逐月计算了荧光强度均值。将反演叶绿素荧光强度结果与同期MODIS的增强性植被指数EVI、光合有效辐射比例FPAR、总初级生产力GPP产品作对比分析,结果表明:荧光强度高值主要分布在中国西南、中南等植被覆盖度高、生长旺盛的地区,荧光强度季节性变化规律与EVI、FPAR、GPP等相似,但季节变化比上述各参数变化提前且更敏感,可以反映其他参数所不具备的独特信息。
目前,利用夫琅和费暗线提取叶绿素荧光的3种最常用的算法有标准FLD方法、3FLD和i FLD方法。上述3种夫琅和费暗线算法在叶绿素荧光反演中得到了广泛应用,但各算法的不确定性研究相对薄弱,尚缺乏系统的分析。因此,本文的目标是阐明氧气吸收波段叶绿素荧光反演的不确定性,优化叶绿素荧光遥感探测指标,提高叶绿素荧光反演精度。利用Fluor MOD模型,模拟不同植被冠层参数、光谱分辨率SR、信噪比SNR条件下的冠层光谱,并比较分析这3种反演方法在不同参数条件下的不确定性。结果表明:3种方法在O2-A波段的反演精度均比在O2-B波段精度高,其中,i FLD和3FLD算法的反演精度相对较高,标准FLD的反演结果较差;随着SR的下降,3种算法的反演精度均有不同程度的下降,标准FLD算法的荧光提取精度受传感器SR的影响最大;随着SNR的增大,3种算法的反演精度有不同程度的升高,i FLD算法的荧光提取精度受信噪比的影响最大。由结果可以得出,3种反演算法在不同的参数条件下有其各自的局限性和优势;利用氧气吸收波段进行叶绿素荧光反演存在诸多不确定性,不确定性主要来源于吸收线内外反射率和荧光比值的真实值与估计值的偏差,叶绿素含量是影响这种偏差的一个主导因素;传感器性能对荧光提取结果也有显著的影响。
Detection of Internal Leaf Structure Deterioration Using a New Spectral Ratio Index in the Near-Infrared Shoulder Region被引量:6
Spectral reflectance in the near-infrared (NIR) shoulder (750-900 nm) region is affected by internal leaf structure, but it has rarely been investigated. In this study, a dehydration treatment and three paraquat herbicide applications were conducted to explore how spectral reflectance and shape in the NIR shoulder region responded to various stresses. A new spectral ratio index in the NIR shoulder region (NSRI), defined by a simple ratio of reflectance at 890 nm to reflectance at 780 nm, was proposed for assessing leaf structure deterioration. Firstly, a wavelength-independent increase in spectral reflectance in the NIR shoulder region was observed from the mature leaves with slight dehydration. An increase in spectral slope in the NIR shoulder would be expected only when water stress developed sufficiently to cause severe leaf dehydration resulting in an alteration in cell structure. Secondly, the alteration of leaf cell structure caused by Paraquat herbicide applications resulted in a wavelength-dependent variation of spectral reflectance in the NIR shoulder region. The NSRI in the NIR shoulder region increased significantly under an herbicide application. Although the dehydration process also occurred with the herbicide injury, NSRI is more sensitive to herbicide injury than the water-related indices (water index and normalized difference water index) and normalized difference vegetation index. Finally, the sensitivity of NSRI to stripe rust in winter wheat was examined, yielding a determination coefficient of 0.61, which is more significant than normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), water index (WI) and normalized difference water index (NDWI), with a determination coefficient of 0.45, 0.36 and 0.13, respectively. In this study, all experimental results demonstrated that NSRI will increase with internal leaf structure deterioration, and it is also a sensitive spectral index for herbicide injury or stripe rust in winter wheat.
LIU Liang-yunHUANG Wen-jiangPU Rui-liangWANG Ji-hua
Linking satellite-based spring phenology to temperate deciduous broadleaf forest photosynthesis activity
Satellite-based remote sensed phenology has been widely used to assess global climate change.However,it is constrained by uncertain linkages with photo-synthesis activity.Two dynamic threshold methods were employed to retrieve spring phenology metrics from four Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer(MODIS)products,including fraction of Absorbed Photosyntheti-cally Active Radiation(fAPAR),Leaf Area Index(LAI),Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI),and Enhanced Vegetation Index(EVI)for three temperate deciduous broadleaf forests in North America between 2001 and 2009.These MODIS-based spring phenology metrics were subsequently linked to the photosynthetic curves(daily gross primary productivity,GPP)measured by an eddy covariance flux tower.The 20% dynamic threshold spring onset metrics from MODIS products were closer to the photosynthesis onset metrics at the date of 2% GPP increase for NDVI and fAPAR,and closer to the date of 5%and 10% increase of GPP for EVI and LAI,respectively.The 50% dynamic threshold onset metrics were closer to the photosynthesis onset metrics at the date of 10%GPP increase for NDVI,and closer to the date of 20% GPP increase for fAPAR,LAI and EVI,respectively.These results can improve our knowledge on the photosynthesis activity status of remotely sensed spring phenology metrics.
Jing-Jing ZhaoLiang-Yun Liu
Landsat time-series land cover mapping with spectral signature extension method被引量:1
Time-series remote sensing images were previously employed to detect land use and land-cover changes and to analyze related trends. However,land-cover change mapping using time-series remote sensing data,especially medium-resolution imagery,was often constrained by a lack of high-quality training and validation data,especially for historical satellite images. In this study,we tested and evaluated a generalized classifier for time series Landsat Thematic Mapper( TM) imagery based on spectral signature extension. First,a new atmospheric correction procedure and a robust relative normalization method were performed on time-series images to eliminate the radiometric differences between them and to retrieve the surface reflectance. Second,we selected one surface reflectance image from the time series as a source image based on the availability of reliable ground truth data. The spectral signature was then extracted from the training data and the source image. Third,the spectral signature was extended to all the corrected time-series images to build a generalized classifier. This method was tested on a time series consisting of five Landsat TM images of the Tibetan Plateau,and the results showed that the corrected time-series images could be classified effectively from the reference image using the generalized classifier. The overall accuracy achieved was between 88. 35% and 94. 25%,which is comparable with the results obtained using traditional scene-by-scene supervised classification. Results also showed that the performance of the extension method was affected by the difference in acquisition times of the source image and target image.