The electronic properties of ground state and charged excited states of nondegenerate polydiacetylene were investigated by means of a tight-binding model. The parameters of the model were obtained by comparison of the experimental and other theoretical results. It was found that there is a stable dimerized structure of polydiacetylene in ground state and the doping induces the nonlinear excitations, such as polarons and bipolarons. In order to compare the stability of polaron and bipolaron, the creation energy and binding energy were separately defined. By neglecting the electron-electron Coulomb interaction, a bipolaron is more stable than two independent polarons.
LI Yuan1, HU Guichao1, XIA Caijuan1, LIU Desheng1,2 & XIE Shijie1,2 1. School of Physics and Microelectronics, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China
We have studied the electric-field-driven motion of a polaron by solving the time-dependent SchrSdinger equation nonadiabatically and the lattice equation of motion simultaneously. It is found that the polaron may experience two sequent transitions under high fields; one is the transition from the subsonic to the supersonic state, and the other from the supersonic to dissociated state. The acoustic mode is decoupled from the charge when the polaron moves at a speed faster than the sound speed, and then the optical mode is decoupled at the second transition to make the polaron dissociate completely.