In order to reduce the wheel profile wear of highspeed trains and extend the service life of wheels, a dynamic model for a high-speed vehicle was set up, in which the wheelset was regarded as flexible body, and the actual measured track irregularities and line conditions were considered. The wear depth of the wheel profile was calculated by the well-known Archard wear law. Through this model, the influence of the wheel profile, primary suspension stiffness, track gage, and rail cant on the wear of wheel profile were studied through multiple iterafive calculations. Numerical simulation results show that the type XP55 wheel profile has the smallest cumulative wear depth, and the type LM wheel profile has the largest wear depth. To reduce the wear of the wheel profile, the equivalent conicity of the wheel should not be too large or too small. On the other hand, a small primary vertical stiffness, a track gage around 1,435-1,438 mm, and a rail cant around 1:35-1:40 are beneficial for dynamic performance improvement and wheel wear alleviation.
采用极限环法、构架加速度幅值法、构架和轮对加速度均方根值法对车辆系统的横向运动稳定性进行了评判。结果表明,采用构架加速度幅值法评判得到的临界速度高于采用极限环法得到的,而采用构架和轮对加速度均方根值法评判得到的临界速度在速度高时往往要低于采用极限环法得到的。对于TSI L 84—2008标准规定的构架加速度幅值评判方法,通过仿真分析,建议将其滤波频率3Hz~9Hz改为2Hz~9Hz,以覆盖低于3Hz的蛇行失稳频率,使评判结果更加准确。最后,还对高速车辆蛇行失稳后的脱轨安全性和运行平稳性进行了分析。