Kronecker sequences constructed from short sequences are good sequences for spread spectrum communication systems. In this paper we study a similar problem for two-dimensional arrays, and we determine the linear complexity of the Kronecker product of two arrays, Our result shows that similar good property on linear complexity holds for Kronecker product of arrays.
A kind of partially linear errors-in-variables models with replicated net points of observation are studied in this paper. Estimators of unknown parameters are given. Under certain regular conditions, it is shown that the estimators of the unknown parameters are strongly consistent and their a.s. convergence rates are achieved.
Calculation of a variation of discrete Fourier transform.Chrestenson spectraof functions of n indeterminates over integer modulo m(composite integer),is con-sidered.Based on sparse matrix decomposition,two fast algorithms with complexityO(mnn∑ri=1pi)are given to calculate the Chrestenson spectra,where p1p2…p2 is theprime factor decomposition of m.