Cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is an approach to confront fading environment. However, in conventional cooperative spectrum sensing (CCSS), the difference among the secondary users (SUs) is ignored when SUs suffer from different fading. In this article, a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)-based weighted spectrum sensing scheme is proposed to improve the sensing performance. The sensing performance of the weighted spectrum sensing scheme is then derived. Considering the minor contribution of the SUs with small weighted factor, a selective CSS scheme is proposed, where SUs with low SNR are not selected into cooperative spectrum sensing. The simulation results conftrm the analytical results. And the performance of weighted scheme is better than that of conventional schemes. In the case where the SNR of SUs are randomly distributed, the performance of selective scheme is almost the same as the weighted scheme while the number of cooperative SUs is reduced to save the consumption of system resource in cooperation with little additional complexity.
正确选择小区内部的分布式天线模块可以提高覆盖区的通信质量,如果各分布式天线模块之间没有能量协作,也即每个天线模块都有自己的功率限制,那么天线模块的覆盖范围会小于只有和功率限制的天线模块的覆盖范围.综合考虑分布式天线模块选择和天线模块的功率限制,提出了一种正三角形小区通信系统(triangular cellular communication system,TCCS)和相应的下行功率控制策略.基于多小区环境和单用户系统的假设,研究了TCCS的中断容量.仿真实验表明,TCCS在小区的不同部分都具有平坦的容量分布.实验数值分析进一步说明,即使各天线模块都有功率限制,TCCS仍然可以增大覆盖面积,并且TCCS的容量高于使用传统分布式功控策略系统.
研究了MUD-RAS系统(the system combined multi-user diversity with receive antennaselection)的容量.首先推导了MUD-RAS系统的等效单用户容量界,并分析了等效单用户系统分析法的局限性,即当用户数较大时,等效单用户容量界和实际容量存在较大的偏差;然后推导了MUD-RAS的另一个容量上界——多用户最大天线矩容量界的表达式.仿真结果表明,当用户数较大时,所给出的多用户最大天线矩容量界比等效单用户容量界更接近系统的实际容量.