The spin current in a parabolically confined semiconductor hcterojunction quantum wire with Drcsselhaus spinorbit coupling is theoretically studied by using the perturbation method. The formulae of the elements for linear and angular spin current densities are derived by using the recent definition for spin current based on spin continuity equation. It is found that the spin current in this Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling quantum wire is antisymmetrical, which is different from that in Rashba model due to the difference in symmetry between these two models. Some numerical examples for the result are also demonstrated and discussed.
We investigate theoretically the electron transport for a two-level quantum channel (wire) with Rashba spinorbit coupling under the irradiation of a longitudinally-polarized external laser field at low temperatures. Using the method of equation of motion for Keldysh nonequilibrium Green function, we examine the time-averaged spin polarized conductance for the system with photon polarization parallel to the wire direction. By analytical analysis and a few numerical examples, the interplay effects of the external laser field and the Rashba spin-orbit coupling on the spinpolarized conductance for the system are demonstrated and discussed. It is found that the longitudinally-polarized laser field can adjust the spin polarization rate and produce some photon sideband resonances of the conductance for the system.
This paper investigates theoretically the electronic structure and transport of a two-level quantum dot irradiated under a strong laser field at low temperatures. Using the method of Keldysh equation of motion for nonequilibrium Green functions, it examines the time-averaged density of states and conductance for the system with photon polarization parallel with and perpendicular to the tunnelling current direction respectively. It is demonstrated that, by analysing some numerical examples, more photon sidebands resonance states and multi-and single-photon transitions are found when diagonal matrix elements dominate the interaction, while the electronic transitions due to multiphoton absorption are more or less suppressed when off-diagonal interaction dominates.