In order to improve the detection efficiency and sensitivity for ^(236)U measurement at China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE)accelerator mass spectrometry(AMS)system to meet the requirement of some applications,we present some new improvements of the measurement method for AMS measurement of ^(236) at CIAE AMS.The main features of the method include:(i)measurement optimization;(ii)improvement of the TOF time resolution~500 ps.Based on these improvements,the sensitivity is~10^(-11) for ^(236)/^(238) in the present work,higher than before(^(236)/^(238)~5×10^(-10)).
The concentration of the natural ultra-trace radionuclides CI and U in the uranium depended on the neutron flux.In this article,a method for measuring 36C1 and 236U in the same uranium mineral with accelerator mass spectrometry was developed in China Institute of Atomic Energy,providing a protocol of the potential application of 236U in uranium mining,environmental,and geological research.The two samples were from Guangxi and Shanxi province,China,and their ratios 36Cl/C1 and 236U/238U were measured.More experimental data conduced to understand the natural nuclides in the uranium mineral.We plan to conduct more efforts on the research.
WANG XianggaoJIANG ShanHE MingDONG KejunGUAN Yongjing