To improve China's residential environment evaluation system and enhance its guiding role, current research results are analyzed and summarized from three aspects including research scales, evaluation methods and applied technology by means of comparison, induction and empirical application. The guiding role of the current macro-scale evaluation system of urban planning and construction is generally not obvious, whereas the guiding role of medium and micro-scale systems to the improvement of residential environments is improving. There are diversified methods for determining the threshold values and the weights of indices in China's evaluation system. For instance, the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method is adopted to determine the weights of indices. The advantages and disadvantages of the method are analyzed on the basis of empirical calculation. In the course of comprehensive analyses, a nonlinear model can reflect interactions among indices more than a linear model; the evaluation model under the ARCGIS platform prevails since it combines space and attribute, and it has intuitive results. So far, the methodological system of China's residential environment evaluation has not been established; its subject coverage and research category should be expanded, and its guiding role should be enhanced.