We study the soft-capacitated facility location game which is an extension of the facility location game of Pa1 and Tardos. We propose a 6-approximate cross-monotonic cost-sharing method. Numerical tests indicate that the method is effective.
In this paper,we consider a class of quadratic maximization problems.For a subclass of the problems,we show that the SDP relaxation approach yields an approximation solution with the worst-case performance ratio at leastα=0.87856….In fact,the estimated worst-case performance ratio is dependent on the data of the problem withαbeing a uniform lower bound.In light of this new bound,we show that the actual worst-case performance ratio of the SDP relaxation approach (with the triangle inequalities added) is at leastα+δ_d if every weight is strictly positive,whereδ_d>0 is a constant depending on the problem dimension and data.
Da-chuan XU~(1+) Shu-zhong ZHANG~2 1 Department of Applied Mathematics,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100022,China
In this paper,we consider the metric uncapacitated facility location game with service installation costs. Our main result is an 11-approximate cross-monotonic cost-sharing method under the assumption that the installation cost depends only on the service type.
XU DaChuan Department of Applied Mathematics,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China
In this paper, we discuss complex convex quadratically constrained optimization with uncertain data. Using S-Lemma, we show that the robust counterpart of complex convex quadratically constrained optimization with ellipsoidal or intersection-of-two-ellipsoids uncertainty set leads to a complex semidefinite program. By exploring the approximate S-Lemma, we give a complex semidefinite program which approximates the NP-hard robust counterpart of complex convex quadratic optimization with intersection-of-ellipsoids uncertainty set.
The Celis-Dennis-Tapia(CDT) problem is a subproblem of the trust region algorithms for the constrained optimization. CDT subproblem is studied in this paper. It is shown that there exists the KKT point such that the Hessian matrix of the Lagrangian is positive semidefinite,if the multipliers at the global solution are not unique. Next the second order optimality conditions are also given, when the Hessian matrix of Lagrange at the solution has one negative eigenvalue.And furthermore, it is proved that all feasible KKT points satisfying that the corresponding Hessian matrices of Lagrange have one negative eigenvalue are the local optimal solutions of the CDT subproblem.