Microstructural characterization in fusion zone of the laser continuous heat treatment welded joint was in vestigated. The results showed that the martensite-like microstructure is the face centered cubic (FCC) crystal structure so that it can be identified as the secondary austenite. The dislocation is observed inside and outside the seconda ry austenite, whereas inclusion is not found in the vicinity of the secondary austenite. In the fusion zone, there is a kind of carbide precipitate which is identified as M23 C6 by the means of transmission electron microscope (TEM). The carbide precipitate is a representative mode of transformation, which can be generated by the eutectoid reaction. Furthermore, the formation mechanisms of the secondary austenite and chromium carbide are analyzed.
He-ping LIUBin LIUDa-zhao LIHu-er SUNFeng-er SUNXue-jun JIN
Hot compression tests of low carbon steel were carried out on Gleeble-3500 system in the temperature range from 750 to 900 ℃ and in the strain rate range from 0.001 to 1.0 s^-1, and the associated microstructural evolution was studied by observations with a metallographic microscope. The results show that the stress-strain curves exhibit a peak stress at critical strain, after which the flow stresses decre.ase monotonically until reaching high strains, showing a dynamic flow softening. The peak stress level decreases with increasing deformation temperature and decreasing strain rate, which can be represented by the Zener-Hollomon parameter Z in the hyperbolic sine equation. The flow stress increases with increasing strain rate and decreasing deforming temperature. The flow stress can be described by constitutive equation in hyperbolic sine function and can also be described by a Zener-Hollomon parameter Z. With increasing deformation temperature and deereasing strain rate, the grain size as well as the volume fraction of the reerystaUized grains increase. The safe region for hot working of the alloy has been determined according to the processing map and microstructure at the true strain of 0.5, which is the deformation temperature of 840-940 ℃ and the strain rate of 0.001-1.0 s^-1.