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13 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
为研究-0.5 mm煤粉在空气重介质流化床中的分布规律与影响效果,采用煤粉含量分布标准差、煤粉灰分分布标准差以及在稳定区间内的压降波动标准差3个指标分析了煤粉在分选流化床中的流化质量及分选性能。结果表明:-0.5 mm煤粉对流化质量有显著影响,少量-0.5 mm煤粉能促进形成密度均匀稳定的分选流化床,过多煤粉含量对流化床密度稳定不利,试验条件下最佳的-0.5 mm含量为6%;同时揭示了-0.5 mm煤粉在流化床中的分布规律,为空气重介质流化床的分选稳定控制提供了依据。
Effect of the secondary air distribution layer on separation density in a dense-phase gas–solid fluidized bed被引量:3
Dry coal separation has been the most significant process in the field of coal beneficiation to date, because of its special advantage of operation with no water consumption. Mineral dry separation research has received wide attention, particularly in countries and regions experiencing drought and water shortages. During the process of dense coal gas-solid fluidized bed beneficiation, the material is stratified according to its density; the high density material layer remains at the bed bottom, and thus the high density coarse particle bed becomes an important infuencing factor in fluidized bed stability. In the steady fluidization stage, a small number of large radius bubbles are the direct cause of unsteady fluidization in the tradi- tional fluidized bed. The dispersion effect of the secondary air distribution bed for air flow is mainly apparent in the gas region; when the particle size exceeds 13 mm, the secondary air distribution bed has a synergistic effect on the density stability of the upper fluidized layer. When the particle size is small, especially when less than 6 ram, particles will constantly move, accounting for instability of the secondary air distribution bed and distorting the stability of the upper fluidized bed. Under optimum operation conditions, the probable deviation E of gas-solid separation fluidized with a high density coarse particle layer can be as low as 0.085 g/cm3.
Lv BoLuo ZhenfuZhang BoZhao YueminZhou ChenyangYuan Wenchao
Characteristics of fluidization and dry-beneficiation of a wide-size-range medium-solids fluidized bed被引量:2
Wide-size-range medium-solids are used in a modularized coal beneficiation demonstration system with a gas-solid fluidized bed. The characteristics of fluidization and dry-beneficiation of the medium solids were studied. The numerical simulation results show that 0.15–0.06 mm fine magnetite powder can decrease the disturbances caused by the bubbles. This is beneficial to the uniformity of the gas-solid interactions and thus to the uniformity and stability of the bed density and height. The experimental results show that, with an increase in the fine coal content in medium solids, both the fluidization quality and the beneficiation performance of the bed decreased gradually. When the fine coal content was no more than 13%, a relatively high superficial gas velocity increased the beneficiation efficiency. When the content was more than 13%, part of the fine coal was separated, leading to product layers. The separation efficiency was therefore gradually decreased. The models for predicting the bed density standard deviation and the probable error, E, value were both proposed. The E value can reach to 0.04–0.07 g/cm^3 under the optimized experimental parameters. This work provides a foundation for the adjustment of the bed density and the separation performance of the modularized 40–60 ton per hour dry coalbeneficiation industrial system.
Tang Ligang
A model for predicting bubble rise velocity in a pulsed gas solid fluidized bed被引量:4
Bed stability, and especially the bed density distribution, is affected by the behavior of bubbles in a gas solid fluidized bed. Bubble rise velocity in a pulsed gas-solid fluidized bed was studied using photographic and computational fluid dynamics methods. The variation in bubble rise velocity was investigated as a function of the periodic pulsed air flow. A predictive model of bubble rise velocity was derived: ub=ψ(Ut+Up-Umf)+kp(gdb)(1/2). The software of Origin was used to fit the empirical coefficients to give ψ = 0.4807 and kp = 0.1305. Experimental verification of the simulations shows that the regular change in bubble rise velocity is accurately described by the model. The correlation coefficient was 0.9905 for the simulations and 0.9706 for the experiments.
Dong LiangZhao YueminLuo ZhenfuDuan ChenlongWang YingweiYang XuliangZhang Bo
Flotation technology of refractory low-grade molybdenum ore被引量:9
Because of the low grade, high oxidation rate and the accumulation of little associated metal sulfide ore in the molybdenum concentrate during flotation, the Qingyang molybdenum ore is difficult to beneficiate. The experimental studies of grinding fineness, the amount of roughing modifier, depressant and collector were completed. In the cleaning process, the contrast experiments of one regrinding, the regrinding and scrubbing, two-stage regrinding was carried. The result shows that the grade of molybdenum ore concentrate is 45.31%, the recovery is 65.98% and the rich ore ratio reaches 20.59% by the regrinding and scrubbing seven cleaning, the regrinding of concentrations from middling of molybdenum-sulfur separation. The regularly-concentrated material from the apparatus was as the middling products. Hence, ideal beneficiation index can be obtained with a rational mineral processing, which offers new beneficiating technology for the refractory low-grade molybdenum ore in China.
Du ShuhuaLuo Zhenfu
Motion behavior of particles in air-solid magnetically stabilized fluidized beds for separation被引量:13
In order to study the settling mechanism of particles in an air-solid magnetically stabilized fluidized bed(MSFB) for separation,we carried out free settling and quasi-zero settling tests on the tracing particles.The results show that the main resistance forces as the tracing particles settled in an air-solid MSFB were motion resistance force and yield force.The motion resistance and yield forces greatly hindered the free settling of the particles by greatly decreasing the acceleration for settling process of the particles.The acceleration decreased from 3022.62 cm/s 2 to zero in 0.1 s,and in the end,the particles stopped in the air-solid MSFB.The yield force on particles increased with increasing the magnetic field intensity,resulting in decrease of the quasi-zero settling displacement.However,the yield force on particles decreased with increasing the fluidized air velocity,leading to increase of the quasi-zero settling displacement.When the structure and operating parameters of the air-solid MSFB were set up,the yield stress on particles stopped in an air-solid MSFB was a function of diameter and density of particles.The settling displacements of equal diameter particles increased with increasing their densities,and the settling displacements of equal density particles increased with increasing their diameters.
Song Shulei a,,Zhao Yuemin a,Luo Zhenfu a,Tang Ligang b a School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,China University of Mining & Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China b Coal Mining and Designing Department,Tiandi Science & Technology Company Co.Ltd.,Beijing 100013,China
Progress in developments of dry coal beneficiation被引量:4
China’s energy supply heavily relies on coal and China’s coal resource and water resource has a reverse distribution.The problem of water shortages restricts the applications of wet coal beneficiation technologies in drought regions.The present situation highlights the significance and urgency of developing dry beneficiation technologies of coal.Besides,other countries that produce large amounts of coal also encounter serious problem of lack of water for coal beneficiation,such as American,Australia,Canada,South Africa,Turkey and India.Thus,dry coal beneficiation becomes the research hot-points in the field of coal cleaning worldwide in recent years.This paper systematically reviewed the promising research efforts on dry coal beneficiation reported in literature in last 5 years and discussed the progress in developments of dry coal beneficiation worldwide.Finally,we also elaborated the prospects and the challenges of the development of dry coal beneficiation.
Yuemin ZhaoXuliang YangZhenfu LuoChenlong DuanShulei Song