The beam energy measurement system is of great importance for both BEPC-II accelerator and BES-III detector. The system is based on measuring the energies of Compton back-scattered photons. In order to meet the requirements of data taking and improve the measurement accuracy, the system has continued to be upgraded, which involves the updating of laser and optics subsystems, replacement of a view-port of the laser to the vacuum insertion subsystem, the use of an electric cooling system for a high purity germanium detector, and improvement of the data acquisition and processing subsystem. The upgrade system guarantees the smooth and efficient measurement of beam energy at BEPC-II and enables accurate offline energy values for further physics analysis at BES-III.
To investigate the nature of the Ψ(3770) resonance and to measure the cross section for e^+e^-→DD, a cross-section scan data sample, distributed among 41 center-of-mass energy points from 3.73 to 3.89 GeV, was taken with the BESIII detector operated at the BEPCII collider in the year 2010. By analyzing the large angle Bhabha scattering events, we measure the integrated luminosity of the data sample at each center-of-mass energy point. The total integrated luminosity of the data sample is 76.16±0.04±0.61 pb^-1, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic.
M. AblikimM. N. AchasovS. AhmedM. AlbrechtM. AlekseevA. AmorosoF. F. AnQ. AnY. BaiO. BakinaR. Baldini FerroliY. BanK. BegzsurenD. W. BennettJ. V. BennettN. BergerM. BertaniD. BettoniF. BianchiE. BogerI. BoykoR. A. BriereH. CaiX. CaiO. CakirA. CalcaterraG. F. CaoS. A. CetinJ. ChaiJ. F. ChangW. L. ChangG. ChelkovG. ChenH. S. ChenJ. C. ChenM. L. ChenP. L. ChenS. J. ChenX. R. ChenY. B. ChenX. K. ChuG. CibinettoF. CossioH. a. Dai,J. F. DaiA. DbeyssiD. DedovichZ. Y. DengA. DenigI. DenysenkoM. DestefanisF. De MoriY. DingC. DongJ. DongL. Y. DongM. Y. DongZ. L. DouS. X. DuP. F. nuanJ. FangS. S. FangY. FangR. FarinelliL. FavaS. FeganF. FeldbauerG. FeliciC. Q. FengE. FioravantiM. FritschC. D. FuQ. GaoX. L. GaoY. Gao,Y. G. GaoZ. GaoB. GarillonI. GarziaA. GilmanK. GoetzenL. GongW. X. GongW. GradlM. GrecoL. M. GuM. H. GuY. T. GuA. q. GuoL. B. GuoR. P. GuoY. F. GuoA. GuskovZ. HaddadiS. HanX. Q. HaoF. A. HarrisZ. L. HeX. O. HeF. H. HeinsiusT. HeldY. K. HengT. HoltmannZ. L. HouH. M. HuJ. F. guT. HuY. HuG. S. HuangJ. S. HuangX. T. HuangX. Z. HuangZ. L. guangT. HussainW. Ikegami AnderssonMIrshadQ. JiQ. P. JiX. B. JiX. L. JiX. S. JiangX. Y. JiangJ. B. JiaoZ. JiaoD. P. JinS. JinY. JinT. JohanssonA. JulinN. Kalantar-NayestanakiX. S. KangM. KavatsyukB. C. KeT. KhanA. KhoukazP. KieseR. Kliemt
An exclusive event generator is designed for e+e- scan experiments, including initial state radiation effects up to the second order correction. The generator is coded within the framework of BesEvtGen. There are seventy hadronic decay modes available, with effective center-of-mass energy coverage from the two pion mass threshold up to about 6 GeV. The accuracy achieved for the initial state radiation correction reaches the level achieved by the KKMC generator. The uncertainty associated with the calculation of the correction factor to the initial state radiation is dominated by the measurements of the energy-dependent Born cross section.
The exclusive Born cross sections of the production of D0, D+ and Ds+ mesons in e+e- annihilation at 13 energy points between 3.970 and 4.260 GeV are obtained by applying corrections for initial state radiation and vacuum polarization to the observed cross sections measured by the CLEO-c experiment. Both the statistical and the systematic uncertainties for the obtained Born cross sections are estimated.
Data sets were collected with the BESⅢ detector at the BEPCⅡ collider at the center-of-mass energy of √s=3.650 GeV during May 2009 and at √s=3.773 GeV from January 2010 to May 2011. By analyzing the large angle Bhabha scattering events, the integrated luminosities of the two data sets are measured to be (44.49±0.02±0.44) pb-1 and (2916.94±0.18±29.17) pb-1, respectively, where the first error is statistical and the second error is systematic.
The charged lepton flavor violation process is a clean and sensitive probe of new physics beyond the Standard Model. A sensitivity study is performed to the process τ^-→γμ^- based on a 3 fb^(-1) inclusive Monte Carlo sample of e^+e^- collisions at a center-of-mass energy of4.26 or 4.6 Ge V, in the framework of the BESIII software system. The 90 % confidence level upper limits on B(τ^-→γμ^-) are estimated assuming no signal is produced. We also obtain the sensitivity on B(τ^-→γμ^-) as a function of the integrated luminosity, to serve as a reference for the HIEPA being proposed in China. It is found that 6.34 ab^(-1) are needed to reach the current best upper limit of 4:4 10^(-8) and about 2510 ab^(-1) are needed to reach a sensitivity of 10^(-9) if the detector design is similar to that of BESIII.
To study the nature of the state Y(2175),a dedicated data set of e + e-collision data was collected at the center-of-mass energy of 2.125 GeV with the BESⅢ detector at the BEPCⅡ collider.By analyzing large-angle Bhabha scattering events,the integrated luminosity of this data set is determined to be 108.49±0.02±0.85 pb-1,where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second one is systematic.In addition,the center-of-mass energy of the data set is determined with radiative dimuon events to be 2126.55±0.03±0.85 MeV,where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second one is systematic.
: The cross sections of e+e-→π+π-hc at center-of-mass energies from 3.90 to 4.42 GeV were measured by the BESIII and the CLEO-c experiments. Resonant structures are evident in the e+e-→π+π-hc line shape. The fit to the line shape results in a narrow structure at a mass of (4216±18) MeV/c2 and a width of (39±2) MeV, and a possible wide structure of mass (4293±9) MeV/c2 and width (222=k67) MeV. Here, the errors are combined statistical and systematic errors. This may indicate that the Y(4260) state observed in e+e-→π+π-J/ψ has a fine structure in it.
We report new measurements of the cross sections for the production of DD final states at theψ(3770)resonance.Our data sample consists of an integrated luminosity of 2.93 fb^(-1)of e~+e^-annihilation data produced by the BEPCⅡ collider and collected and analyzed with the BESⅢ detector.We exclusively reconstruct three D^0and six D~+hadronic decay modes and use the ratio of the yield of fully reconstructed DD events(“double tags”)to the yield of all reconstructed D or D mesons(“single tags”)to determine the number of D^0 D^0and D~+D^-events,benefiting from the cancellation of many systematic uncertainties.Combining these yields with an independent determination of the integrated luminosity of the data sample,we find the cross sections to beσ(e~+e^-→D^0D^0)=(3.615±0.010±0.038)nb andσ(e~+e^-→D~+D^-)=(2.830±0.011±0.026)nb,where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic,respectively.
The numbers of ψ(3686) events accumulated by the BESⅢ detector for the data taken during 2009 and 2012 are determined to be(107.0±0.8)×10^6 and(341.1±2.1)×10^6, respectively, by counting inclusive hadronic events,where the uncertainties are systematic and the statistical uncertainties are negligible. The number of events for the sample taken in 2009 is consistent with that of the previous measurement. The total number of ψ(3686) events for the two data taking periods is(448.1±2.9)×10^6.