- 作品数:2 被引量:11H指数:1
- 相关作者:戚金亮杨永华朱煜陆桂华方荣俊更多>>
- 相关机构:南京大学南京大学淮安高新技术研究院南通大学更多>>
- 发文基金:教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”江苏省自然科学基金长江学者和创新团队发展计划更多>>
- 相关领域:生物学更多>>
- Uncover the differentially expressed miRNAs in response to different light signals in Lithospermum erythrorhizon
- Shikonin and its derivatives are secondary metabolites accumulating in the roots of Boraginaceae plants, such ...
- ZHAO HuaFANG RongjunWU FengyaoZHU YuHUANG ShouchengWANG XiaomingLU GuihuaQI JinliangYANG Yonghua
- 关键词:LIGHT
- 紫草LePS-2基因启动子的克隆及序列分析
- 2012年
- 目的克隆紫草LePS-2基因的启动子,分析该启动子的调控元件,为研究LePS-2基因的表达调控机制奠定基础。方法以紫草愈伤组织基因组DNA为模板,利用Genome walking技术扩增LePS-2基因上游启动子序列,将序列提交至PLACE网站对该启动子进行调控元件预测。结果获得LePS-2基因启动子区域序列1164bp,PLACE软件分析表明,该启动子中存在根特异性元件、暗诱导性元件、激素应答与调节相关元件以及一些转录因子结合位点等。结论启动子元件ATATT和YTCANTYY可能分别赋予LePS-2表达的根特异性和暗诱导性;另外在LePS-2基因启动区域还发现MJ应答元件TGACG,表明MJ有可能参与对LePS-2的表达调控。
- 丁燕雯朱煜邹爱兰戚金亮杨永华
- 关键词:紫草启动子染色体步移调控元件
- Transcriptom analysis reveals that blocking the ethylene signal transduction pathway is one key point for 2,4-D inhibited shikonin biosynthesis in Lithospermum erythrorhizon
- The plant growth regulator 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D) significantly inhibits the biosynthesis of sh...
- Jinliang QiWenju ZhangChengyi TangRongjun FangYu ZhuFengyao WuPingzhi ZhaoShoucheng HuangXiaoming WangYanjun PangRongwu YangGuihua LuYonghua Yang
- 关键词:2,4-DSHIKONIN
- 文献传递
- 乙烯对植物次生代谢产物合成的双重调控效应被引量:11
- 2014年
- 植物次生代谢产物是人类重要的药物及化工原料来源,其产生与植物正常的生长发育及对环境的适应密切相关,并受到多种因素的调控。乙烯作为一种植物内源激素,广泛参与植物的生长、发育、抗逆和次生代谢产物合成等重要生理过程的调控。该文综述了乙烯的信号转导机制及其调控作用;重点归纳了乙烯对植物次生代谢产物形成所表现出的双重调控效应,即在一定浓度范围内,乙烯对植物次生代谢产物的合成起促进作用,低于或超过该浓度范围则起抑制作用;并对今后该领域的研究方向进行了展望。
- 方荣俊赵华廖永辉汤程贻吴凤瑶朱煜庞延军陆桂华王小明杨荣武戚金亮杨永华
- 关键词:乙烯次生代谢产物信号转导途径
- LeERF-1,an ethylene response factor gene from Lithospermum erythrorhizon,confers enhanced tolerance to cold and salt stresses in Arabidopsis
- The ethylene responsive transcription factors(ERFs) play various functions in plant growth,development process...
- Rongjun FangAiqian LiWenju ZhangGuihua LuXiaoming WangYanjun PangRongwu YangRunan TianJinliang QiYonghua Yang
- 文献传递
- Molecular cloning and characterization of LeMYC, a novel bHLH gene in Lithospermum erythrorhizon
- LeMYC is a novel member of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family that was cloned from Lithospermum erythror...
- ZHAO HuYANG YonghuaHAN QiuminZHANG DongxiaFENG HelianLU JunyingZOU AilanWANG XiaomingYANG RongwuQI Jinliang
- Overexpression of LeMYB1 in Transgenic Hairy Roots of Lithospermum erythrorhizon promotes Formation of Shikonin and its Derivatives by Regulating the expression of some crucial Genes in Shikonin-biosynthesis pathway
- Shikonin and its derivatives are a class of naphthoquinone compounds synthesized in Boraginaceae plants,such a...
- Hu ZhaoRongjun FangHua ZhaoYonghui LiaoCheng-Yi TangXiaoming WangGui-Hua LuYanjun PangRongwu YangJinliang QiYong-Hua Yang
- 文献传递
- Endogenous jasmonate is the key regulator of the two-stage culture system(TSCS)-induced shikonin biosynthesis by targeting LeMYC2 in Lithospermum erythrorhizon
- The phytohormone Jasmonates(JAs) play crucial roles in multiple plant physiological processes,including second...
- Jinliang QiHu ZhaoShaohua LiuRen-Jie TangRongjun FangChengyi TangFengyao WuXiaoming WangYanjun PangRongwu YangGuihua LuYonghua Yang
- 文献传递
- LeACS-1 plays an important Role in Ethylene-regulated biosynthesis of shikonins in Lithospermum erythrorhizon
- The red pigments accumulating specifically in the roots of Lithospermum erythrorhizon,shikonin and its derivat...
- Rongjun FangHua ZhaoHu ZhaoFengyao WuYu ZhuXiaoming WangGui-Hua LuYanjun PangRongwu YangJinliang QiYong-Hua Yang
- 文献传递
- Heterologous overexpression of Lithospermum erythrorhizon LeERF-1 gene increases drought and pathogen resistance in Arabidopsis
- The ethylene responsive transcription factors(ERFs) belonging to the AP2/ERF family have diverse functions in ...
- Rongjun FangAiqian LiRunan TianWenju ZhangAilan ZouFengYao WuYongHui LiaoXiaoming WangYanjun PangRongwu YangGuihua LuJinliang QiYonghua Yang
- 文献传递