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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
Sequence palaeogeography and coal accumulation of inland faulting basin: an example from late Triassic Yangtze platform of China被引量:3
To unveil formation mechanism of key sequence boundaries of inland faulting basin and coal accumulation charac- teristics of coal seams in isochrohal stratigraphic framework, sequence stratigraphy, palaeogeographic recovery and other methods were used to research the sequence stratigraphy and coal accumulation in the example of Banding Basn in the west margin of Yangtze Platform, and the authors advanced a coal accumulation model of Faulting basin on the basis of accommo- dation space changes in the background of palaeogeography of sequence framework. The results show that: normal lacustrine regression and forced lacustrine regression are the main driving forces for the formation of sequence boundaries of Faulting ba- sin; basement subsidence is the main source of accommodation space of Faulting basin; and subsidence disequilibrium is the main cause for the difference in generation rate of accommodation space of Faulting basin. Coal accumulation in Faulting basin is obviously controlled by accommodation space changes in sequence framework and basin evolution. As Faulting basin evolves into depression basin, both subsidence rate of basin basement and generation rate of accommodation space decrease vertically, it appears as a progradational reverse-graded sedimentary sequence, coal accumulation in secondary sequence framework intensifies first and then weakens, and coal accumulation at the middle stage of highstand system tract is the best. During steady rifting period, minable coal seams were mostly developed in initial lacustrine flooding surface of fourth-order sequence and at the middle-late period of highstand system tract, and coal accumulation center lay in palaeogeographic unit of delta plain with moderate available accommodation space. During shrinking period, minable coal seams gradually migrated to the maximum lacustrine flooding surface and coal accumulation center lay in palaeographical unit of lacustrine with large available accommodation space.
LU JingSHAO Long-yiYANG Min-fangWANG HaoQING Kang-yangWANG Wei-chao
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Jurassic Coal Measures in Northwestern China被引量:12
The sequence stratigraphy of the Jurassic coal measures of northwestern China has been studied based on data from outcrop and borehole sections. Because of the geological background and the diversity of basin types, such as isochronisms of coal seams and recognition of key sequence boundaries, it is rare to summarize and correlate sequence structure and framework. The types and recognition characteristics of the sequence boundaries of the Jurassic coal measures are revealed by comparing climatic characteristics, structural styles and the base level cycle. A total of five third-order sequences and 15 systems tracts have been subdivided and the sequence stratigraphic framework has been reconstructed confirming that the thick coals accumulated in the late stage of transgression system tracts of sequence I (SQ I) and sequence III (SQ III). This idea is of important academic significance for instructing coal resources exploration, and enhancing geological effects of prospecting engineering. It is also of practical significance for guaranteeing construction of the large-scale coal production base in northwestern China, accelerating the westward development of the coal industry stratagem.
WANG TongSHAO LongyiTIAN YeLU JingWANG Wenlong
Sequence paleogeography and coal accumulation in epicontinental basin
Based on an investigation of the Benxi-Shanxi formations in the southwestern Shandong province,we studied the forming mechanisms of key stratigraphic boundaries in an epicontinental basin and the coal-accumulating characteristics in the paleogeographic background of isochronous stratigraphic frameworks.In total,we sequenced three types of stratigraphic boundaries(i.e.,regional unconformities,the shifting surface of transgressions caused by basin basement subsidence,and fluvial erosional surfaces including exposed surfaces as well as correlative conformities,which are caused by forced regression)and proposed a model for coal-accumulation.The results show that in the high accommodation space of the barrier coast system in the lower Benxi-Taiyuan formations,the base level was higher than sedimentary boundaries,parasequences were bounded by a marine flooding surface and formed during the semi-cycle of base level falling that was influenced by high-frequency fluctuations of base level,and coal seams were thin with multistoried patterns.In this region,the coal accumulating center was located in the transitional zone of the barrier island and tidal-flat.In the low accommodation space of the fluvial delta in the upper Shanxi formation,the base level coincided with sedimentary boundaries,parasequences formed during the semi-cycle of base level rising were bounded by erosional surfaces and a marine flooding surface,and the coal accumulating center was located in the lower deltaic plain and interdistributary lacustrine environment.In this region,the surplus accommodation space was relatively high.
Lu JingShao LongyiYang MinfangWang HaoQing Kangyang
为了揭示陆相盆地聚煤期古气候演化及泥炭沉积驱动力,应用同位素地球化学、煤岩学等理论和方法,进行了柴北缘侏罗纪大煤沟F煤层有机碳同位素组成、频谱分析研究.δ^(13)C与镜惰比、Sr/Ba比及其指示的湖平面变化具有明显的负相关关系,认为δ^(13)C主要反映了聚煤期湿暖和干热两种古气候特征,随着气温升高、降雨量减少、气候变得干燥炎热,δ^(13)C发生重偏移,即δ^(13)C的时间变化揭示了F煤层沉积期由干热向温暖、再向干热的古气候演化趋势.结果表明:煤样固态物质有机碳同位素(δ^(13)C)变化在-25.6‰^-22.9‰之间,平均值为-23.9‰;煤层下部和上部碳同位素偏重、中部碳同位素偏轻,在煤层中部和顶部出现明显的负偏移和正偏移.频谱分析识别出F煤层内3.25 m和5.32 m两个厚度周期,该周期比值与泥炭地发育时期的岁差和黄赤交角周期比值相近,由此认为米兰科维奇天文周期是F煤层泥炭堆积的驱动力之一.